nOObs calling everyone hackers!

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:25 am

only a noob would call a cheater a hacker..
at most the cheater is a apper.

the person that made the App, yea i would them a hacker

think about it

to be called a hacker. Eww im cool and L337
to be called a Apper. =queef

That is a good point. They should not be called hackers at any time. It is completely false, but still may work as a kind of reward for them.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:18 pm

Well, the old school word for that is script kiddie.
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:42 pm

true but that still implies they have some coding knowledge
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:57 am

agreed. i have only seen a few clear cases of hacking lately. Cheers to crytek for doing work. A KDR under 5:1 is acceptable - over that and something likely fishy is going on. It would be nice if companies used more rigid match making to keep things competitive on the server but still allow lesser players the chance to develop by allowing slightly higher ranked players on the server. Either way though all the 'hackerz' talk needs to stop - its largely been dealt with afaik.

so im fishy? i useually have a K/D ratio of 8-12:1
at one game i had a 39:0 :P (had a lucky run got a quardo airstomp kill and a triple nade kill)

the thing is that alot of ppl cant tell the diffrence between luck and hack... (and ofc skill)
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Craig Martin
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:59 pm


can u really blame them at this time? there's still plenty of people with cheats out there, it's just normal for them to be paranoid if u asked me. if u really are not cheating, just ignore them. i know it svcks, but there's really nothing u can do about it. everything should be sorted out in time, but for now, just ignore them.
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Ian White
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:30 am

Since 1.2 the number of clear cut hacking cases has fallen a lot - I have seen some definite hackers and I have been suspicious of some others. I think one of the problems is the apparent randomness of some hit detection decisions plus the fact that the killcam can give a false impression of what actually happened. For less experienced players looking at the killcam and seeing bullets going through walls, it's probably why they presume cheating is going on.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:46 am

just stop cheatin.plain and simple.all cheatin dikheads say the same.Im not cheatin.just STFU .
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:48 am

I've already been told too, that I'm a hacker. My k/d is about 1.6. There are way too many crybabies here.
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lillian luna
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:33 pm

I just got called out for hacking less than 15 minutes ago on my favorite server. My K/D ratio was actually higher than 2:1 for 4 rounds in a row. Strangely, the people calling me hackers were not "n00bs". They were players with higher levels than me. Just lucky kills.


Energy Transfer - So you can retain armor mode after a kill
Stealth Enhance - Lets you move around longer in stealth
Retriever - So you don't have to run up to the target to pick up a dog tag.

NANO VISION - Despite the annoying voice, USE IT in conjunction with Stealth, the INSTANT you see a bad guy, GET OUT of nano vision and switch to Armor Mode and take him down.

I've used those 3 suit enhancers plus nano vision to get up to 10 kills in a row before dying. In one round of crashed site, I was able to call a Ceph gunship AND orbital strike TWICE in the same match.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:40 am

yeah this just happened to me, some player said he reported me :L I wasnt even at the top of the scoreboard
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:29 pm

I have googled to find out what cheats are out there, because after several hours I had this feeling that something fishy was going on....

What I found:
Freez Ammo / No reload / Unlimited Ammo
Name tag hack
Unlimited energy
Aimbot for Head / Body / Legs

So there are 2 options: either I use this stuff, too or I stop playing. I took the second option. It has no sense at all... on every sever in the last days there was someone that saw me every time stealth mode, although no nano vision was activated and stuff (or any anti-stealth module). In every game I played the last days there was a lvl 10 guy with 30/5 K/D, always running around with armor mode and always hitting.
No thanks thats it. This game is cheater heaven...

This game is frustration par excellence. I had several resets on my modules till now, I get raqed on most servers although I'm an experienced player (playing shooters since 10 years now, always with positive K/D ratio). Watching killcam results in a "WTF?" in 6 out of 10 times.

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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:37 am

cheaters are still there

if team A first guy have 8 kills and team B first guy have 30 kills, then something is definitely wrong
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:25 pm

same to me (topic)

but who cares ... anyway ... the best thing is: there is no better compliment to be called as an cheater while not be a cheater (hope that is correct english)

PS: I had only 2-3 cheaters the last 5 days, great work Crytek ... for the ppl who still see cheaters don't play at official servers, go playing on clan servers
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:29 am

cheaters are still there

if team A first guy have 8 kills and team B first guy have 30 kills, then something is definitely wrong

only while 2 minutes, if for longer there is definitely not something wrong, perhaps but not definitely
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:10 pm

I've already been told too, that I'm a hacker. My k/d is about 1.6. There are way too many crybabies here.

same for me, I have a K/D of 1.6 and an accuracy of 25% and I am level 36 now. Sometimes I have a real good run on Skyline for example and finish the round with 26-8 or something like that, there are always people who are pissed about you and the easiest way to hide their own failure is to blame average good players. But I've learned to ignore the complete chat yet. If someone wants to report me to crytek, I don't care because my operative status/service record is not lying and shows that I am just a normal player... Just ignore the crybabies - I am swtiching the server if there are too many crybabies ;)
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:06 pm

This is total BS! I'm fed up with idiots who can't play Crysis 2 telling me I'm hacking. FFS I have a kdr of less than 2:1 and "I MUST BE HACKING". Hackers don't run into/past cloaked enemies and get shot in the back. The other thing I would like to point out to all you nOObs is that the kill cam is only the last 2 or 3 seconds of any kill. If I see you run behind an object and have aim on you when you cum out the other end doesn't mean I have a wall hack. Stupid nOObs!

hmmz, the bolded part made me question things.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:15 am

You should never base someone hacking on the KDR. Unless it's absolutely outrageous like 100-5 or something. You have to think about the TIME involved in getting kills. That is key to the logic behind finding a hacker.

I usually go 12+(more with maps that have gunship)/0 when I'm defending CTR so I would hope no one jumps to the conclusion that I'm a hacker just based off of that.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:57 am

I get called a hacker on Xbox 360 because most people on Xbox don't realize that I have earned a maximum nanosuit and it is extremely hard to kill me. But hey, haters with butthurt are haters with butthurt. They never open their minds and realize when they are wrong.
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kevin ball
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:50 am

I get called a hacker on Xbox 360 because most people on Xbox don't realize that I have earned a maximum nanosuit and it is extremely hard to kill me. But hey, haters with butthurt are haters with butthurt. They never open their minds and realize when they are wrong.

Heh, it's funny too, since the maximum nanosuit has a locked blinking armor mode, so it's like "stay away!".
But yeah, some people are just butthurt. :)
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:13 pm

Well to be fair, the last 2 weeks of rampant cheating didn't help to quell any suspicions.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 am

Sorry, but when the killcam shows that not only was I firing on target correctly, but the bullet tracker you guys run show I was HITTING you, I get a bit suspicious. 30 shots to your chest (Bullet tracker shows the bullets going directly through/just under the camera, not next to, not over) and you don't die but then you turn around and kill me with an automatic headshot? Gotta admit it's on the "WTF" side of life. Or when I the killcam shows someone moving literally twice as fast as I can while sprinting (Non armor mode, I know armor mode slows you down) then I get a bit suspicious since I have yet to find an armor module that doubles your running speed. Or when some guy pulls a headshot with a sniper rifle on me across a map.....while I'm cloaked. All of that's happened. In fact, all of that happened yesterday. Then I get called a forum troll, with less than ten posts, because I get suspicious when people do this crap. Just remember, you were a "Noob" once too, much as you all hate to admit it. No one was born knowing how to play video games, no one was born knowing game strategies. But of course you'll deny it and flame me, because your egos can't handle not being the biggest a$$hat on the block.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:24 pm

Well I say if your on the forums trying to point out that your not a hacker, your most likely are a hacker.
A true pro, if accused, would simply ignore it, or better yet go find a different server with better players on it.

Just like people that get really defensive when you call them a liar, usually means they are lieing.

I am a extremly good player myself, I can spot a cheater from a mile away, and not by the kill cam. Kill cam
is flawed and is not correct. But the guys doing head shots with a scar accross the entire map, are easy to spot.
and if someone constently head shot me from a distance, because one time does not constitute a hacker, could just be luck, but 5 head shots in a row, its a hacker, dont care how good you are.

I go 25/3 some rounds and NOT ONCE has anyone ever called me a hacker, and the only people I see online
that do get accused of being a hacker ARE hackers and deserve to be banhammered from the game perma.

The spawn spots in the game are also messed up, it LUCK has a good part of it, wont help your kdr if everytime you spot an ememy, you go to shoot, and end up with 2 enemys spawning on your side and shoot you. Is all luck.
But say if you shoot the first guy, swing and shoot the other 2 that are now shooting at you, and you kill all three, your are def hacking.

But yeah, if your being a little cry baby because you keep getting banned for being too good, turn off your hack you **** and play like a real person!
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:09 pm

agreed. i have only seen a few clear cases of hacking lately. Cheers to crytek for doing work. A KDR under 5:1 is acceptable - over that and something likely fishy is going on. It would be nice if companies used more rigid match making to keep things competitive on the server but still allow lesser players the chance to develop by allowing slightly higher ranked players on the server. Either way though all the 'hackerz' talk needs to stop - its largely been dealt with afaik.

so im fishy? i useually have a K/D ratio of 8-12:1
at one game i had a 39:0 :P (had a lucky run got a quardo airstomp kill and a triple nade kill)

the thing is that alot of ppl cant tell the diffrence between luck and hack... (and ofc skill)

Well, regardless of whether your hacking or not, no one is going to want to play with you. And yeah, I think your either hacking or have some extreme advantage. I've seen videos where people seem to have this EXTREME advantage. Like the lag is all in their favor. It looks like few people notice them, they get kills almost instantly, no one can hit them, and they look like they're playing against four year olds. I never see anything like this when I'm playing. I have good situational awareness, am constantly keeping my eyes on my surroundings, and people still come out of nowhere. Plus they kill me with like two shots.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:59 am

Yea just got my first hacking claim today. I was like, WIN!!!! Screenshotted for the lolz :D
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:53 am

I have a kdr of 3.98 and I'm constantly being accused of cheating (hacking). This happens very often because I almost exclusively play Instant Action and people get frustrated seeing a guy winning all the time with the usual score being 25 kills, 4 - 5 deaths.

I mostly answer with something short like "stop whining". I can't ignore it most of the times since I get really picky about it. I have no problem with people calling me a nerd or even asking me to leave 'cause I'm ruining their chances to win. It's acceptable.

Well, I suppose people tend to get angry rather than recognize you. Of course, I will get angry myself if I see my stats reset or my account banned because some whiny kids accused me of cheating. But I shouldn't worry about it... or maybe I should?
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