» Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:24 pm
Well I say if your on the forums trying to point out that your not a hacker, your most likely are a hacker.
A true pro, if accused, would simply ignore it, or better yet go find a different server with better players on it.
Just like people that get really defensive when you call them a liar, usually means they are lieing.
I am a extremly good player myself, I can spot a cheater from a mile away, and not by the kill cam. Kill cam
is flawed and is not correct. But the guys doing head shots with a scar accross the entire map, are easy to spot.
and if someone constently head shot me from a distance, because one time does not constitute a hacker, could just be luck, but 5 head shots in a row, its a hacker, dont care how good you are.
I go 25/3 some rounds and NOT ONCE has anyone ever called me a hacker, and the only people I see online
that do get accused of being a hacker ARE hackers and deserve to be banhammered from the game perma.
The spawn spots in the game are also messed up, it LUCK has a good part of it, wont help your kdr if everytime you spot an ememy, you go to shoot, and end up with 2 enemys spawning on your side and shoot you. Is all luck.
But say if you shoot the first guy, swing and shoot the other 2 that are now shooting at you, and you kill all three, your are def hacking.
But yeah, if your being a little cry baby because you keep getting banned for being too good, turn off your hack you **** and play like a real person!