nOObs calling everyone hackers!

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:10 am

Lol, and I wonder how many of you are lieing and really hacking? Lots of psychos out there who think hacking is "winning".
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:27 pm

Anyone else notice huge differences in latency that should be less than say, 0,1sec at most in any way and back? Some times it seems like I'm the one with high latency and other times like it's everyone else on the server. (i.e one guy runs the show with a huge KDr, on what appears to be more or less related to latency difference.)

Sometimes this gets extreme: I can just run and get several kills as the only person on the server not totally crippled by the lag, and sometimes the other way around.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:44 pm

lol yes! im not the only one being called a hacker...little bastards trolling. just wish they could tell the difference between hacks and skill
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:40 am
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Darlene DIllow
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:54 pm

Anyone else notice huge differences in latency that should be less than say, 0,1sec at most in any way and back? Some times it seems like I'm the one with high latency and other times like it's everyone else on the server. (i.e one guy runs the show with a huge KDr, on what appears to be more or less related to latency difference.)

Sometimes this gets extreme: I can just run and get several kills as the only person on the server not totally crippled by the lag, and sometimes the other way around.

Yeah, i get latency in the extreme, especially when I'm firing. Even at like 30 ping. Typical console engine.
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Jon O
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:43 am

i honestly havent seen one hacker yet even though i dont play much multiplayer because its boring for me haha, but seriously I DONT SEE ANY HACKERS those noobs r just bad that they cant kill anyone

Obviously, you don't play much. You must not watch any videos either.
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lacy lake
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:48 am

Sorry, but when the killcam shows that not only was I firing on target correctly, but the bullet tracker you guys run show I was HITTING you, I get a bit suspicious. 30 shots to your chest (Bullet tracker shows the bullets going directly through/just under the camera, not next to, not over) and you don't die but then you turn around and kill me with an automatic headshot? Gotta admit it's on the "WTF" side of life. Or when I the killcam shows someone moving literally twice as fast as I can while sprinting (Non armor mode, I know armor mode slows you down) then I get a bit suspicious since I have yet to find an armor module that doubles your running speed. Or when some guy pulls a headshot with a sniper rifle on me across a map.....while I'm cloaked. All of that's happened. In fact, all of that happened yesterday. Then I get called a forum troll, with less than ten posts, because I get suspicious when people do this crap. Just remember, you were a "Noob" once too, much as you all hate to admit it. No one was born knowing how to play video games, no one was born knowing game strategies. But of course you'll deny it and flame me, because your egos can't handle not being the biggest a$$hat on the block.

When i started Crysis 2 mp my kdr was **** for the first 20lvls only after that was I able to pull it to 1.4(yae I'm not that good, but people still call me a hacker??) but as a lower lvl I never accused players of hacking when they raqed me, I blamed it on latency and luck (hahaha:P) unless ofcourse it was clear that they were hacking(Ownage_666 you **** with clear aimbot hacks). So it's not nOOb to be bad at a game, it's nOOb to insult people who are better than you.
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Rachel Briere
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:26 am

+1 dude that happens a lot to me and is irritating the living fff out of me. I can't help i am that good and they are that bad!!
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Charlotte X
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:17 am

n00b: **** hacker
me: **** noob stfu

That's usually make them shut the **** up.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:38 pm

With the amount of hacking going on in Crysis 2 atm, it's not surprising that everyone is suspicious of players and accusing them. Just last night, I was playing a few rounds of Capture the Relay and a guy on the opposing team, with no-one but myself and another player noticing, was running to the relay, picking it up and insta-capping it without having to run back...could have been teleporting.

It's amazing how little Crytek seemed to have learned as far as multiplayer and cheat protection goes after Crysis MP and Crysis Wars. First up, get rid of gamespy. It's useless. Second, get punkbuster in the game and third, give more power to admins and implement a votekick system for when no admins are around. This is Multiplayer 101, I can't believe they're still struggling to grasp the fundamentals.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:50 am

Hey guys,

As per the forum rules we're going to close this thread. If you wish to report a cheater please contact the RSP (server host) that you're playing on and they should be able to take care of the trouble makers. From our side, we are constantly improving and expanding on our anti-cheat software but this sort of thread isn't required and mostly just causes flame wars.

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