Lolz. Anywho, topic title says it all.
He's done everything a Dragonborn could do. He's got all the shouts completed except for:
Animal Allegiance (Animal, Allegiance)
Disarm (Weapon, Hand)
Dismay (Fear, Run)
Kyne's Peace (Kyne, Peace)
****NOTE: There's a WOP I can't get @Arcwind Point. It's glitched and I can't absorb it.
Did Companions, Civil War, MQ, All Daedric Artifacts. Did everything, he even did the Mage's Guild. Didn't do Thieves Guild with him for obv. reasons. Only did Mages because of the Shout I needed.
I've done practically every side quest as well (things like Gauldur Legend, Tending the Flames, etc.) have practically EVERY "special" weapon I can find/think of.
Anyone tell me of something fun to go do? Or where the shouts i'm missing are? Maybe some fun, challenging quests that are out there IDK of?
I'm Level 73 btw. Trying to get to whatever LV I need to be to fight a Legendary Dragon (whatever that is?)?
Go nuts...