Magic assassins are usually called nightblades; the dude who reputedly slit Tiber's throat was one. Basically, any primarily stealth character who uses magic to aid in his stealth is a nightblade.
Magic assassins are usually called nightblades; the dude who reputedly slit Tiber's throat was one. Basically, any primarily stealth character who uses magic to aid in his stealth is a nightblade.
I like polls. Poll was insightful.
My very first and only Nord character I have made is:
Path: The Path of Might
Archetype: Warrior
Stone: Warrior and Lover
Factions: Blades, Imperial Legion, Dawnguard, Companions, CoW, Bards
Civil War: Imperial Legion
I tend to be a completionist, although I still have stuff to do with this character.
lol True. I really need to stop looking at the forum's little sidebar of new topics late at night.
Unfortunately I have nothing to contribute. I don't really love Nords that much. My main Breton character, on the other hand...
I only ever made 1 Nord and he was pretty badass, but it was the only version imo that totally fits the race. No magic, really brutish, not very eloquent, but all around a very-tough warrior. I guess you could call him a Knight.
Two-Handed, Block, Heavy Armor, Smithing, Archery
Leader of the Companions, and also did a split playthrough for Dawnguard.
Doesn't choose a side in the Civil War.
Resides in Lakeview Manor.
Uses a battleaxe, and for the longest time used the Ancient Nord Battleaxe until he made an Carved Nordic Battleaxe and currently is what he is using. He took on a family, married whatsherface from Riverwood. He doesn't use any type of magic except that he has dabbled with enchanting (no perks). He worships Zenithar, his armor and weapons crafted by his own hands he feels the most in touch with this deity because he feels the direct correlation between crafting his wares to defend his life.
He has the ability to shout, but he is not The Last Dragonborn.
Yes i have posted alot and no none of my threads are the same. who cares if you see the same threads or ones that have some simularities so what read it contribute in a good way or don't and just go away nobody want's negative post on there threads. you don't have to click on any threads anyways. and i'm not upset just annoyed by ignorant people who waste my time with rude comments. by the way don't tell me how to feel. the rules of these forums state that you shouldn't correct people in any way or that you should only use constructive criticism. the 20 answers on my poll about my poll it is called being funny it was a joke that's why all the choices were yes it's called fun you should try it sometime it's a great feeling. i will have as many choices as i want on my poll you go do what you want on your polls but thanks for the input. yes and no are boring so no. by the way "other" is the samething you just have to work for it. i hear reading is fundamental.
Like i said before you are only allowed to use constructive criticism on these forums. and i don't ever assume anything, rude is rude and negative is negative. also there's nothing wrong with my thread, who comes on someone elses thread just to point out something wrong with it anyway. what are you a school teacher lets just get along and move on it's such a waste of time and my thread to go back and fourth like this. so my bad sorry now lets get back to having some fun with Skyrim ok.
P.S:Unrelated, sorry if it's hard to read but i don't know how to do that.
Name : Siegmeyer Day-Wanderer
Race : Nord
Playstyle : Combat Skills / Path Of Might / Knight?
Archetype : Knight I suppose, just no two-handed.
Primary Skills : One Handed, Blocking, Restoration, Heavy armor.
Secondary Skills : Heavy Armor, Smithing, Enchanting.
Guardian Stone : Warrior Stone
Standing Stone : Lover or Lady stone.
Factions : Greybeards, Stormcloaks, Companions, Dawnguard.
Favorite Armor : Companions gear (all enchanted and Legendary smithing), Amulet of Talos, Spellbreaker.
Favorite Weapons : Skyforge Steel sword (Legendary and enchanted), Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow (also enchanted), exploding bolts.
Your character sounds great, he does seem like some kind of a "Knight" good choice!!!
I know that, i meant i don't know when to do that.
Agreed, hence why I didn't vote. Also messy poll is messy.
Name :
Race : Dragon *rolls eyes*
Archetype : Warrior
Primary Skills : One Handed, Blocking, Two Handed, Heavy Armor
Secondary Skills : Restoration, Smithing, Archery, Speechcraft
Guardian Stone : Steed Stone, Lord Stone
Factions : Companions, Dawnguard, Bards College
Favorite Aedra: Mara, Kyne
Favorite Daedra: Meridia
Favorite Armor : Steel Plate, Wolf.
Favorite Weapons : I've yet to have a favourite, though I prefer Crossbows over Longbows/Shortbows.
Update: i fixed the poll so that it gives some basic info on what each "Archetype" is for "Skyrim" not ohter "TES" games.
Your character sounds great!!! (poll fixed)
Updated it a bit to include favorite Aedra and Daedra
stormcloaks, mostly warrior-archtypes, male, and, lotz lotza and even more personal rules.
without rules, the game is a bore.
Sounds interesting, what do you mean by rules what rules?
I guess I should honor the memory of the only Nord I ever played. Can't really remember his name, so I'll call him K?se from here on out.
He was a DiD character. I vaguely remember he was a heavy-armor wearing warrior that could easily be mistaken for a Cyrod. I THINK he was a dual-wielder.
He barely started the main quest when...well, let's just say there's
realistic encumbrance. no looting of common containers. no looting of unlocked containers. no swimming in heavy armor. no hud. if you die and are not playing DiD, then, crike, please make some kind of penalty besides a reload non-penalty. do all you can to create rules that make money, gold, and the economy of skyrim better.
Yeah i always wanted to play a "Ranger" with alot of rules and no hud and stuff like that, but i'm on xbox 360 so no mods for me and what's the point without mods?
lol, I AM on the 360.
it's WHY I play with rules and restrictions and regulations.
if beth can take all the errors they created with skyrim, fix em and implement a hardcoe possible elder scrolls 6, I will possibly forever shut my mouth against them.
I love "Bethesda Softworks" (Publisher) and "Bethesda Game Studios" (Developer) no matter what they do because they gave us "Skyrim" and "Fallout 3" so i will buy what ever game they decide to do next "Fallout 4" or "TES 6" because together they make the greatest "Publisher-Developer" combo ever "IMO".