These Are My Nord Characters
Name: Draven Black-Mane
Race: Nord / Werewolf (Mixed Blood Of All Human Races)
Playstyle: Combat Skills / Path Of Might / Warrior
Archetype: Hybrid Warrior (Dragonborn)
Primary Skills: One Handed, Blocking, Archery, Two Handed, Restoration (Healing)
Secondary Skills: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy
Guardian Stone: Warrior Stone
Standing Stone: Steed Stone
Factions: Blades, Stormcloaks, Companions, Dawnguard
Favorite Armor: Dragonplate (Full Set) With Shield, Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)
Favorite Weapons: Dragonbone Sword, Greatsword, Bow & Arrows (Everything Enchanted)
Name: Berengar Gray-Storm
Race: Nord
Playstyle: Magic Skills / Path Of Sorcery / Mage
Archetype: Hybrid Mage (Dragonborn)
Primary Skills: Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion
Secondary Skills: One Handed, Archery, Enchanting, Alchemy, Smithing
Guardian Stone: Mage Stone
Standing Stone: Ritual Stone
Factions: Imperial Legion, College Of Winterhold, Dawnguard
Favorite Armor: Hooded Black Mage Robes, Black Boots, Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)
Favorite Weapons: Variety Of Staffs, Dawnbreaker, Conjured Bow
Name: Grimwulf Red-Blood
Race: Nord / Vampire Lord
Playstyle: Stealth Skills / Path Of Shadow / Assassin / Thief
Archetype: Hybrid Assassin / Thief (Dragonborn)
Primary Skills: One Handed (Dual-Wielding), Archery, Sneak, Pick Pocket, Light Armor
Secondary Skills: Two Handed, Heavy Armor, Alchemy, Smithing, Enchanting
Guardian Stone: Thief Stone
Standing Stone: Shadow Stone
Factions: Thieves Guild / Nightingales, The Dark Brotherhood, Volkihar Vampires
Favorite Armor: Daedric Armor (Full Set), Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)
Favorite Weapons: Harkon's Sword, Blade Of Woe, Daedric Bow & Arrows
All of my characters are subject to change at any time i see fit or maybe now or was it later i forget or forgot, oh great now i can't remember. ha ha you gotta make fun of yourself sometimes it's fun or is it funny or maybe it's both oh well anyways.