4 "Nord" Lovers Only!

Post » Thu May 29, 2014 10:37 am

These Are My Nord Characters

Name: Draven Black-Mane

Race: Nord / Werewolf (Mixed Blood Of All Human Races)

Playstyle: Combat Skills / Path Of Might / Warrior

Archetype: Hybrid Warrior (Dragonborn)

Primary Skills: One Handed, Blocking, Archery, Two Handed, Restoration (Healing)

Secondary Skills: Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy

Guardian Stone: Warrior Stone

Standing Stone: Steed Stone

Factions: Blades, Stormcloaks, Companions, Dawnguard

Favorite Armor: Dragonplate (Full Set) With Shield, Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)

Favorite Weapons: Dragonbone Sword, Greatsword, Bow & Arrows (Everything Enchanted)

Name: Berengar Gray-Storm

Race: Nord

Playstyle: Magic Skills / Path Of Sorcery / Mage

Archetype: Hybrid Mage (Dragonborn)

Primary Skills: Destruction, Restoration, Conjuration, Alteration, Illusion

Secondary Skills: One Handed, Archery, Enchanting, Alchemy, Smithing

Guardian Stone: Mage Stone

Standing Stone: Ritual Stone

Factions: Imperial Legion, College Of Winterhold, Dawnguard

Favorite Armor: Hooded Black Mage Robes, Black Boots, Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)

Favorite Weapons: Variety Of Staffs, Dawnbreaker, Conjured Bow

Name: Grimwulf Red-Blood

Race: Nord / Vampire Lord

Playstyle: Stealth Skills / Path Of Shadow / Assassin / Thief

Archetype: Hybrid Assassin / Thief (Dragonborn)

Primary Skills: One Handed (Dual-Wielding), Archery, Sneak, Pick Pocket, Light Armor

Secondary Skills: Two Handed, Heavy Armor, Alchemy, Smithing, Enchanting

Guardian Stone: Thief Stone

Standing Stone: Shadow Stone

Factions: Thieves Guild / Nightingales, The Dark Brotherhood, Volkihar Vampires

Favorite Armor: Daedric Armor (Full Set), Silver Ring & Necklace (Everything Enchanted)

Favorite Weapons: Harkon's Sword, Blade Of Woe, Daedric Bow & Arrows

All of my characters are subject to change at any time i see fit or maybe now or was it later i forget or forgot, oh great now i can't remember. ha ha you gotta make fun of yourself sometimes it's fun or is it funny or maybe it's both oh well anyways.

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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 5:14 am


Am I the only one who misinterpreted the title?

I guess I won't be [censored] off my hazubando Roggi Knot-Beard.

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 3:19 am

I can't answer because I roleplay. All of my characters are different.

I do love Nords, though.

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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 1:49 am

Did this subforum need another damned inane poll?

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Chloe Botham
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 8:16 am

Ive played 3 Nords, only 1 extensively (longest played character I have).

The poll was interesting, in both ways. In that I'm looking at it from a Nordi's perspective, but it's too cut-and-paste. These kinds of polls are a dime a dozen.

You should try adding in roleplay elements to your characters if you haven't, and more thought-provoking questions for polls. That way they become more than just names with skills and weapons tacked on under them.

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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 3:41 am

That's why there was multiple choices just in case someone had multiple "Nord" characters.

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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 3:58 am

Did this subforum need another damned rude person coming on someone elses Thread/Topic/Pole just to be negative or correct someones spelling? like anybody cares, so why come on this Thread/Topic/Pole to begin with. :thanks:

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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 9:27 am

You make a good point, but if you read this whole Thread/Topic you will see a person come on my Thread/Topic/Pole and be very rude so that's why i don't share all of my characters back stories. (yes i role play)

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 4:19 am

Is it just me, or has he been posting his character a lot?
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Rodney C
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 3:09 pm

What difference does this poll make? It's the same thing that's been done over a dozen times, and doesn't even bother explaining the archetypes. What's the difference between a berserker and a barbarian, or a warlock and a mage and a wizard and a sorcerer, or a rogue and a thief, or a ranger and a hunter?

Dude, seriously, I saw the same damn archetype poll a few weeks past with the same issues, and I'm sure that you were the OP.

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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 5:50 pm

First of all you are a very rude person and i didn't know that polls were suposed to make a difference they are just for fun so stop coming on someone elses thread just to complain about it. if you don't like polls or my threads then don't click on them. :thanks:

By the way this is the difference between those archetypes : Barbarian (light armor) vs. Berserker (heavy armor) and Ranger (1h,archery) vs. Hunter (archery) and Thief (stealth) vs. Rogue (stealth,magic) there are more differences between those archetypes and alot more details but i would be here all day. but for the sake of your peace of mind i will change the pole and i will start a thread explaining all the archetypes. also i really don't know the difference between a mage, wizard, sorcerer and warlock / witch i put them on the poll because you can have 20 and i thought someone else might know the difference but :thanks: have a nice day!!! (i am the OP)

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Meghan Terry
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 11:51 am

Do you have a point or did you just come on my thread to complain?

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Rob Smith
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 1:41 pm

You do what you gotta do to bring'em in right?

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Jani Eayon
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 5:24 pm

If you have nothing constructive to add to this thread then say nothing and walk away, ok? Its a pretty simple concept.

I haven't played a Nord character in a while but usually most of my characters that I RP have been. Probably one of my longest played/RP'd characters was a nord.

Her name was Salessi Darkwater.

Very skilled with swords, axes and bows. Preferred to pick off the enemy before engaging in a full on fight. She was a stormcloak and Harbinger of the Companions who chose to believe the curse was a blessing and used it quite often. She wore light armor with kind of a barbarian approach. She hunted for her own food, camped in the wilds. dabbled a little in enchanting and alchemy but avoided magic. Just not her thing. Her best counter to a mage was put an arrow through his skull before he knew she was there. She did not complete the MQ as I RP'd that she was not a dragonborn. She did help the Dawnguard against the vampires. What better cure for those night walkers then a werewolf right? I played her until her retirement around lv 63 I think it was. She married and had adopted 2 girls. Sofia and a khajiit child from a mod. Kharjo watched the kids in Breezehome.

My new nord you can find in my sig. Brin Ravenwood.

Light armor, some skill with the bow but deadly with two handed weapons. Doesn't much care for any other skill. She will be my next dragonborn character, finish the MQ and Dragonborn DLC. She's a new character so there is not much to add besides that.

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Danii Brown
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 4:09 pm

If a Berserker wears Heavy Armor, then what do Knights and Warriors wear, and what's the difference?

If a Rogue uses magic, then what's the Nightblade?

And if you don't know the difference between a mage, wizard, sorcerer and warlock, why are they even in the poll?

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Love iz not
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 6:54 am

I am most cerain the OP knows these, your posts are not constructive, and are annoying me, and yes, i am cranky, and no i dont care if i upset you.

Edit: i too am wary of seeing Darvens threads, not because he is annoying(I dont think he is), but because i would like to see a fresh name, but what annoys me most is nagging, even uf i am the one doing it.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 2:01 pm

Thank you for saying that, i just don't understand why some people come on other peoples Threads/Topics/Polls and be so rude and nasty if you don't like the Thread/Topic/Pole then don't click on it. so what if someone can't spell or write as good as someone else it doesn't matter the forums are for people who love and play Skyrim and who just want to have fun so just relax and have fun. i just started on these forums not to long ago and i have never done anything else like this. and i am trying my best so i can't spell or write as good as others well some people have physical or mental health issues that's why you should think before you act or say rude things there's no good reason to be rude. and yes i have some health issues (Bipolar) and (Emotionally Handicapped) just to name few.

By the way your characters sound amazing, i love to role play and yes i role play all my characters. i have been playing Skyrim since 11.11.11 and i have played all the races and archetypes. my only current characters are the 3 that i listed at the start of this Thread/Topic. i have tried telling my characters back stories before but some people were rude so i just gave up. i'm not gonna share my characters with people if they are going to be rude because my characters are important to me they are like friends or family to me. Skyrim is my favorite video game it is an escape from my every day life i love it. also i don't know how to put my characters stories into words it's so hard to explain i don't know how people do it. i can create amazing role plays in my head but i can't describe them to other people. sorry if i go on to much i tend to do that. some people posted some rude comments on this thread saying that i posted my characters too much or that this poll has been done before so what who cares how would i know i have no way of knowing. what am i gonna do read every thread that's ever been on the forums there's tons i can't read them all. i mean come on i want to spend some of my time playing Skyrim. by the way i'm on the (xbox 360) and i have to use the (net app) and i don' have a (computer) or (phone) so i have to type in every letter 1 at a time using my (xbox 360 controller).

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Farrah Barry
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 6:04 pm

Yes i do it's not my problem that he doesn't know any of the archetypes and yes he is annoying and rude. i am sorry if i posted some of this stuff before but if you read this whole Thread/Topic you would see that i have some personal issues and somtimes i forget things sorry i can't help it. what did you mean fresh name what does that mean?

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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 2:48 pm

LordofBones is obviously the one with personal issues (he is often nasty and nonconstructive). Don't feel bad about your thread. If he keeps this up he'll be reported.

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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 2:03 pm

1. Heavy Armor - Knights, Berserkers vs. Light Armor - Warriors, Barbarians

so a "Knight" is someone who uses heavy armor,1h,blocking (shield) and a "Berserker" is someone who uses heavy armor,2h,blocking

a "Warrior" is someone who uses light armor,1h,blocking (shield) and a "Barbarian" is someone who uses light armor, 2h,blocking

a "Knight" can add 2h if he/she want's and a "Berserker" can add 1h (dual-wielding) if he/she want's.

a "Warrior" can add archery for backup if he/she want's and a "Barbarian" can add 1h (dual-wielding) if he/she want's.

2. Rogue - Mage / Stealth vs. Nightblade - Thief / Mage

so a "Rogue" is a Stealth Mage and a "Nightblade" is a Thief who also uses some magic.

3. To annoy you of course "ha ha" just kidding like i said before they say you can have 20 so i put 20 my bad i will fix it just for you.

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rolanda h
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 1:30 pm

You are not bothering me Draven, i dont really care how many threads of the same general concept tou have, infact, i havent seen anything repeated by you.

Also i mean like a new user when i say new name, because obviously i cant see your face, so i cant say id like to see a new face, do you get what i mean?

And i will try to think of something to add to the conversation, i was just infuriated by LordofBones...
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Russell Davies
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 11:10 am

I'm going to point out that it's impossible to answer the archetype question because they're all so vague. Let's break it down:

Combat - The OP lists Warrior, Knight, Berserker, Paladin and Barbarian. This is all very vague, because while Warrior, Knight and Paladin have their own niches (respectively, generic man-at-arms, an armored warrior in the service of a higher-ranking authority figure or concept, and a divine champion), what's the fundamental difference between a barbarian and a berserker? If anything, they're probably interchangable, since UESP describes a barbarian thusly: Barbarians are the proud, savage warrior elite of the plains nomads, mountain tribes, and sea reavers. They tend to be brutal and direct, lacking civilized graces, but they glory in heroic feats, and excel in fierce, frenzied single combat.

Magic - This is the clincher, because it looks like the OP just picked names out of a thesaurus. Battlemage, Mage, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock and Spellsword are all given as possible choices. Fine, Battlemage and Spellsword have their own niches (respectively, a heavily armored mage skilled in melee combat and a guerrilla combatant using both melee and magic for hit-and-runs). A Sorcerer in TES is a mage who focuses on conjuring and commanding undead and daedric servants and gathering and creating powerful enchantments...and sometimes wears heavy armor. But what is the difference between a mage, a wizard and a warlock? This isn't D&D, where a wizard is a prepared caster, a sorcerer is a spontaneous caster and a warlock is a something else caster. Wizard and Warlock are ranks of the now-defunct Mages' Guild, while a Mage refers to a spellcaster who practices in all schools of magic equally.

Stealth - Ranger, Archer, Hunter. They're all fundamentally the same damn thing. Hell, going by LotR you can stick them all under the Ranger umbrella and call it a day. In TES, you can stick them all under Archer, because there's no difference. It's also the first time I've seen Rogue described as Stealth/Mage hybrid, ever. Not in TES, not in D&D, not in any class-based game.

I get that people like to play keyboard warrior, but the OP himself doesn't know what some of those classes are and just put them up there to fill in the blanks. He could have just gone Melee/Magic/Stealth, or used the classes from the older TES games. What's even up with the last poll choice, anyway?

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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 3:46 am

Thank you but i could never report anybody i would just feel to bad i wouldn't want to get anybody kicked off the Forums unless they threatened me or something but they shouldn't cause i'm like a millioneth degree black belt or something like that in some forum of ancient martial arts yeah that's right you heard me right, i'm a master of... oh ok you got me i'm just so full of it. ha ha i just don't like it when people are mean i don't get it. but anyway thanks your very sweet.

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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 7:09 am

You make a good point, truly, perhaps we can turn this into a discussion about how we personally define a class, or classes?

Edit: I usually end up what i guess would be called a Rogue, i love stealth magic, but i use to call it Shadow Caster because i had no idea what it was actually called.
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jadie kell
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Post » Thu May 29, 2014 6:58 am

Depends on the character, but nords are the most common race I use

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