Nah. I just hate the Nords on the east half of Skyrim
Nah. I just hate the Nords on the east half of Skyrim
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I swear by Miraaks prickly mouth that this forum wouldn't be the same without you Hevnoraak.
I don't see what's so interesting about hippie Nords.
We need a third option in the poll, however. I vote MK Nords.
Interesting, nay, but their chill laid back attitude is cool. And its nice to see Nords mostly untainted by outside influences.
What depth does that give them, though? Rambling about the All-Maker and the land, without a coherent metaphysical system. I didn't find them interesting at all. I want the villages in Skyrim where no one's heard of the Septim empire.
Maybe if it was apparent how the Skaal did fit into the dragon cult and the old pantheon, there would be something interesting there, but it's all kind of a muddled mess.
No I agree, they're not interesting. But they're likable as people. I wouldn't want to be one, and there's not much to them, but the idea of Nords with a culture purely of their own is pleasing, even if its not my ideal kind.