» Fri May 13, 2011 6:47 pm
Quit confusing the man with GIMP quirks.
he has a psd. potatoeshop time.
right. in photoshop. your Alpha 'layer' is actually a channel. Not a layer. you have RGB and A. A being Alpha, if you don't have an alpha channel, then just make one. this has nothing to do with the normal map itself. this is where you dump your specular map. If your normal map isn't acting right then it has nothing to do with alpha anything. its purely down to the RGB values of your map, not the A. If your mesh has messed up specular levels then its down to your spec map in the Alpha channel.
you will never get a normal map to look as good as the ones bethesda has made by doing a bitmap to normal conversion with a filter. Never. It'll just look flat as you describe. well more or less, depending on the underlying geometry and face normals.
Bethesda used a high poly model to 'bake' the normal maps for their outfits. And nothing short of that will equal it.
the only thing you can do is either- use their normal map, I recommend doing this, you can edit it slightly to your needs, brush out some artifacts perhaps, whatever. though it'll be slightly degraded because it is already compressed and will be further compressed when you save it. But it will be superior to anything anyone will make from using a bitmap.
or convert their normal map into a displacement map, quad the vault suit geometry, sub-d it a lot, displace it, then clean up the sculpt loads, then bake a new normal. not that I recommend that
or sculpt a new one free hand. not that I recommend this either.