» Wed May 27, 2009 10:10 pm
Well conducted comparison. Though, for running and gunning, surely mobility enhance would be a more useful power module? I'd be interested to know if, with weapon pro enabled, is reloading quicker than switching to your secondary with different power module equipped?
Might be useful for reloading the MK60.
Mobility enhance would also be a suitable module for running and gunning since less energy is consumed whilst running. With less energy consumed you have more energy to put towards armour, stealth etc. And at upgrade 3 you're allowed to fire your weapon faster after sprinting.
The response that I'd give to your second question is: Switching to your secondary (I think it's pistols only) is quicker than reloading. But quicker than weapon pro? I'll have to test it out (LOL). But then again you should consider weapon pro's upgrade 3 which allows you to switch between weapons faster. So...LOL. There is so much variety and I personally think the module system is balanced. There isn't one module better than another. I find myself constant changing up my classes. LOL.
Indeed. I chop and change modules a lot myself, simply based on what mood I'm in and the game type I'm playing. Also for the challenge and extra XP of levelling up all the modules.