North Dakota Wasteland
Set in the year 2250, the RP will follow the spiralling events in the former state of North Dakota where established factions and new up-comers from the ruins are deciding the fate of all those in the region.
Fargo is a largely ruined city inhabited by several smaller settlements. Despite being the most populous city in North Dakota before the war, there was a mass migration of survivors immediately after the war to the Detroit Lakes – most of which had dried up – in the West due to the lack of any water supply; these people have devolved into tribals some are peaceful and some are hostile, occasionally posing a threat to city inhabitants. The settlements in Fargo are wary and often eagerly await the water shipments and traders from Devil’s Lake, Jamestown and Midas Valley. Unlike the other large and uninhabited pre-war ruins, the disjointed and scattered settlements in Fargo are both larger and cooperate more frequently and easily due to the growing threat of tribal insurrection from the Detroit Lakes to the east.
Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Area
Bismarck was the State Capital of North Dakota before the war and with the smaller town of Mandan directly across the river forms the Bismarck-Mandan Metropolitan Area. The river that runs between Bismarck and Mandan flows from the Audubon Lake to the north near the ruins of Minot; it is radioactive but still drinkable, despite being on the number one causes of health related deaths in the area. Some of the more organised settlements that have been established in the ruins have become dependant on the clean water shipments from Devil’s Lake, due to Bismarck being off the major trading route however, the shipments generally cost more; this has had the consequence of driving some of the settlements to unite in the face of such fees.
Grand Forks
Grand Forks in another city mostly devoid of any genuine order and merely struggling settlements, to the West of the city was Grand Forks AFB; a nuclear strike to the north and then heavy nuclear fallout blown there way by southerly winds has however has rendered most of what was once here unusable and, later contributed to by the mass migration to the Detroit Lakes, resulted in a massive depopulation of what was once North Dakota’s third most populace city. It serves as the final stop on the main Devils’ Lake water route and tensions between the settlements among the ruins and Devil’s Lake have deteriorated due to the steady drip of people from Grand Forks seeking refuge in Devil’s Lake, which has little to no desire to serve as the region’s charity.
New Asgard
Minot was a town of roughly 32’000 people located near a Strategic Air Command AFB, Minot AFB. Now Minot is a radioactive ruin with a predominant Ghoul population and has been renamed by the residents as ‘New Asgard’; nothing of Minot AFB remains but a large crater avoided by all but the glowing ones. The city is largely radioactive and rightly avoided by the majority of the population, the Ghoul population of New Asgard occasionally meets with the usually ignorant traders who have come in from other areas (hence them getting close to New Asgard), mostly to spread their own mystique; they have also raided and pillaged nearby towns, leaving little behind but ruins, bodies and heads impaled on spikes.
Information on goings on inside the city is scarce, though the previously mentioned traders have simultaneously used the words ‘tribal’, ‘well armed’ and ‘crazy’. After a rare conference by Devil’s Lake, Jamestown and Midas Valley officials – based upon detailed testimonies from the traders and Midas Valley’s Vault Archives – they came to the conclusion that New Asgard was a large, tribal yet well-armed society of Ghouls whom seemed to have become enamored with a basic knowledge of the mythology of Scandinavia; possibly based around the Scandinavian Heritage Site location in Minot.
Jamestown was a similar sized settlement to Devil’s Lake before the war and even after the war bares similarities; it, like Devil’s Lake, is a largely united settlement unlike the ruins of the other towns. Due to its placement, caravaners who trace the pre-war roads often pass through Jamestown and have earned it its position as the regions trading hub. The mile long First Avenue is a constant bazaar of trinkets, weapons, armour, food and crime. It once existed in a similar manner to the larger ruins, due to it’s prime position however it rapidly united to become the trading community.
It maintains good ties with the other trading capital Midas Valley and its governing body the Cabal, with Cabal Dollars being a primary currency in the town. Midas Valley also physically exists in the town, with the town’s pre-war college being a hub of education under the control of Vault-Tec Industries and the North Dakota State Hospital being fully under the ownership of Med-Tek. The Hospital itself specialised in treating the mentally ill and confining the criminally insane; now it serves the role of a regional medical centre, a military base for the Cabal and as the primary prison – with Jamestown typically frowning on Midas Valley’s harsh punishment of criminals, rumours of the place also serving as a torture palace for extracting information has been met with stony silence from indifferent Cabal officials. Neither the college nor the hospital is cheap, something which has been the cause of some frustration on the part of the locals and indeed residents of the region.
Devil’s Lake
Devil’s Lake was a relatively small town in comparison to the larger settlements such as Fargo, Grand Fork and Minot; now it is one of the larger post-war settlements, having being largely untouched by the war. Devil’s Lake is now the largest source of fresh water in North Dakota, with Audubon Lake being contaminated by Minot’s destruction during the war, many of the smaller water sources having simply dryied up. It is a well defended town and profits massively by trading water with some of the less fortunate settlements that have formed in some of the ruins of Bismarck and Fargo; much to the chagrin of the residents of the ruins as the prices seem to continually. The city is seen as ruthless and opportunistic, with the rising prices feared by some to be a prelude to annexation or occupation; however it maintains slightly warmer relations with Midas Valley whom have come to respect Devil’s Lake business acumen yet frown upon its imperialist attitude and desire for an empire.
Midas Valley
Formed from the people of Vault 86 – a Vault designed to test the ideals of free-market capitalism and individualism. It is a town built around and in the ruins of Valley City, being comprised of a Walled and guarded section around the Vault Exterior and several similar ‘Reclaimed’ sections of the city all contain many, ordered sandcrete structures; non-residents whom are employed within the city proper live in renovated ruins which lack some of the luxury and cleanliness of the city but are by no means unpleasant. Around the town are many security outposts and minefields, forcing anyone entering the city to travel by the monitored roads under the supervision of several sniper rifles.
The relations of Midas Valley’s limited laissez-faire plutocratic oligarchy government, the Cabal, are mixed; whilst Midas Valley’s draconian punishment of criminals has heightened tensions – with all crimes punished by beatings of varying brutality and fines or a simple execution and fines – it’s business ability and desire to do nothing more than trade and live merry has cooled tensions all around, with Midas Valley clearly possessing no imperialist tendencies. Perhaps its greatest strength is the Cabal Dollar, which – backed by the city’s plentiful and much sold food and medical supplies – has become one of the most accepted in the region.
The Tribals
To the east of Fargo are the Detroit Lakes, innumerable – though now mostly dried up and in all cases polluted – lakes to which great swathes of people from Fargo and Grand Forks fled to after the war for water; since then they have devolved into tribes.
Now my intention was to leave almost all of these factions relatively blank slates – with circumstances and odd things set-up – for RPers to dabble with, the governments and motivations of all factions has largely un-stated. I really want people to wow me with their creativity and imagination when it comes to them; nothing is off-limit for any of them provided it follows the setting and pre-existing tensions I have established. Devils’ Lake, Jamestown and New Asgard (Midas Valley is my faction) are the biggest factions and will typically be controlled by a single user with maybe others as some of the people within it – something which I don’t mind, if you just want to bop around the world then it’s all gravy with me B). Smaller factions like the unorganised ruins are basically just D.C. ruin-esque places populated by semi-organised, Rivet-City like settlements, there can be multiple, player controlled of settlements in the same town.
What I will ask of RPers is that when fleshing out the established factions – or there own which I am not opposed to – they don’t uber them too much. For example my faction is pretty powerful, it has arguably the strongest economy in the state and provides the best level of education, luxury food and pharmaceuticals. However, it’s entire economy is primarily based upon it being situated around the Vault which allows it to purify it’s own water – hence keeping it off Devil’s Lake dependence – but also allows it to manufacture medicals, and provide pre-war education. In response to this Vault-Tec Industries – I have the Midas Valley faction already established and I may explain later as it will be featuring in the final RP – has purposefully destroyed two of the other Vault’s in North Dakota in what has been – correctly – seen by Devil’s Lake and Jamestown as economic engineering and monopolisation; on a local level, the residents of Bismarck and Grand Forks were pissed because whatever chance that they could have at purifying their own water is gone. Also, Midas Valley has little in the way of a professional army, which Devil’s Lake should definitely have.
These aren’t all of the factions which I have devised, I am working on another now called ‘The Village’ – not a carbon copy of the Prisoner (remake svcks

Also, any residents of North Dakota please do PM me on wildlife and climate and such.