North Dakota RP

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:48 pm

OOC: I am going to get a post up but I just wanted to bump thsi so it isnt forgotten.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:00 pm

OOC: I check in every other day or so, but until Adam does something, I really have nothing to do atm.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:22 pm

Sorry for the delay guys, been quite busy in my free time; haven't even had the courage to check the Fan Fiction section of out shame - kind of like I do with my fan-fic... wait... [censored] :P.

Janos Oakley, CEO of Vault-Tec Industries and Chairman of the Cabal of Midas Valley - Vault 86, Vault-Tec Industries "Building"

“He wants you to enter alone and unarmed!?” There was a collection of arrogant snorts and derisive laughter from the five dark suited businessmen gathered in the conference room at the heights of the Vault-Tec “building”. “Whom does this arrogant up-start fancy himself?”

“Indeed, Mr Winters,” Oakley responded with a slight chuckle. “It seems clear to me at least that Mr Mieux has little to zero knowledge of what we have achieved here, of what he was built. In seven years he, a traveller from a distant Commonwealth, and a motley collection of three simpleton tribes build something that can claim any kind of terms with Midas Valley and our collective population of 4’500; absurd to say the least and a sign of delusions of grandeur, arrogance and slap-dash governance at worst.”

“I agree,” sounded Mr Benedict, making a motion with his left arm which caused the General Atomics pin on his lapel catch the light. “The idea that he took it as read that the head of state of an entity he knows nothing about would come to see him alone and un-guarded on his own say alone is borderline madness; but that doesn’t negate the very real security risks at play here Mr Oakley. This individual still had knowledge of this Vault and it’s location yet no knowledge of any inhabitants, let-alone on of the most powerful entities in the old state of North Dakota; in-short I think I speak for all present here when I say that I expect nothing less than a 100% effort on Vault-Tec Security’s part to investigate this properly and thoroughly.”

“And indeed,” Oakley responded. “You can expect nothing less than that Mr Benedict. I am sending a representative in my place to communicate with Mr Mieux in addition to completing the a-fore-mentioned business deal I had arranged with him – which remains the concern of Vault-Tec Industries alone.”

“Can we assume that this will be Officer Ashwood?” Mrs Mulligan, of the Mulligan Estate, said with a noticeable mock in her voice.

“Are you suggesting some ulterior with that remark Mrs Mulligan?” Oakley said, his own voice lowering an octave, the otherwise amicable atmosphere now on ice.

“Nothing,” she said casually. “I was merely noting that you have no trouble in sending one of your men in your place when we all here acknowledge that should any of us accept Mieux’s offer we’d be certifiably insane.”

Though everyone present knew that that was not the reason at-all why Mrs Mulligan had mention Officer Ashwood by name, no-body perused the matter, let-alone Mr Oakley who continued. “Ashwood is Special Tasks Group; he’ll do what he’s paid to do.”

“Capitalism protect us,” they all muttered instinctively following the mention of the most coveted and revered concept in Midas Valley, work; Mrs Mulligan however continued immediately.

“And we would expect no less of him or indeed Vault-Tec Industries.”

“Indeed,” Oakley said with a note of finality they were all familiar with. “Now I need to attend to matters of business, as do we all; also, due to technical difficulties below the Speakwrite transcripts of this meeting won’t be at your respective places of business until tomorrow, I bid good day Colleagues, Midas Valley prevails.”

Midas Valley, Old Town

It was an hour later that Mr Oakley and a number of Vault-Tec Security Officers gathered in the executive caravan park in the Old Town, despite hanging back – as he often did – Oakley’s presence was felt as he silently mused over the scene. Officer Ashwood had just arrived and stood by Oakley’s side.

“You will keep me informed of your progress via Pip-Boy every night and will contact me when you find “Deco” and – of course – when you are able to enter the meeting with Mr Mieux; oh and your on a tier-one hazard bonus for this mission. Go with speed and take note of as much as possible.”

EDIT: [b]Oh I should remind you Justin that you have some technocratic, psuedo-relgious guys living in Bismarck too. We have to persue interaction on as many levels as we can to keep thing alive. Just saying. Oh and they were there when Miuex got there.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:09 pm

Mr. Justin Mieux- Bismarck Luxury Resort and Hotel.

Justin stood in the office of his penthouse apartment, thinking slowly to himself, his heart pounding. He was about to have his first political contact with an opposite nation. The fact they'd negotiated spoke volumes, even if they don't need Mieux, they were still willing to work with him. "Yes, this....this could prove useful in my grasp for Bismarck." Then he widened his eyes in agitation. "THEM!" He quickly picked up the phone that was connected to the Deco Military HQ, dialing his general. "Arthur, listen, I want you to keep scouts on the outskirts of old Bismarck. The second you see the caravan coming from Midas Valley, keep your guns aimed on them at all times. If those technofetishists in the ruins of Bismarck try something, they might think I was involved, this cannot happen General. I trust you'll ensure those mens safety my friend, good night." Mieux gently hung up the phone and sighed worriedly, whether it was clear or not, alot of Deco's future fortunes were riding upon the success of this meeting. Trying to clear his mind, he walked into the living room of his home and flipped through his holo-archive and selected an old Dean Domino tape and put it in the holodisk player and chose the song 'Saw her Yesterday' and plopped down on the velvet couch, his feet stretching in the soft fuzzy cream-white colored carpet, he leaned back and relaxed, one of the few nights he did. He regretted spending almost every day of the year working, but he couldnt trust anyone else to keep up with his determined plans. Tonight, taking this mini-vacation restored some of his frayed sanity. He leaned back and listened to the voice of Dean Domino echo around the apartment, his eyes looking over the glittering streetlights in Deco, into the largely black of Bismarck. Here and there you could see tufts of fire from barrelfires in the city, but to Mieux, it was all uncivilized and.....tribal. Before dozing off, his last words were "Soon Bismarck, soon you will all be Deco, and then America will be reborn..." Then promptly fell fast asleep into his usual dreamless sleep.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:18 am

Jason Ashwood – Midas valley, Old town – midday

“You will keep me informed of your progress via Pip-Boy every night and will contact me when you find “Deco” and – of course – when you are able to enter the meeting with Mr Mieux; oh and your on a tier-one hazard bonus for this mission. Go with speed and take note of as much as possible.”

Jason had been give an new mission he was go to the town of “Deco” and meet with Mr Mieux, the letter had said they must come alone and unarmed, which is probably why Mr Oakley did not go himself along with the possibility this could be ambush…

“Understood Colleague , I hope to be back soon” Jason said as he put his goggles and walked out of Old Town and into the wasteland…

Despite the message saying going unarmed, Jason had decided to travel their armed and disarmed once arriving although the road between Midas valley and Jamestown was relatively quiet since most of raider and animals in the area had been killed or scared off. The rest of wasteland was not…

Reaching Jamestown, Jason went to the market place and looked for a Caravan head to Bismarck, after an hour he managed to find one. Jason made a deal with the Caravan owner, he would help escort the Caravan to Bismarck in exchange for a place to sleep tonight.

Jason opened his pip boy and typed in “Arrived in Jamestown will continue journey tomorrow morning, made deal with Jamestown Caravan to travel to Bismarck” before sending the message back to Midas valley….

Jason Ashwood- Outskirts of Bismarck, a mile outside Deco - the following day, midday

“This is where we part ways, if you’re heading to Deco, it’s right over there" the Owner said as he pointed at the large per-war hotel that was in the middle of the town, surrounded by walls. Jason could see a entrance down road, next to some statues of some sort.

“Thanks, good luck on your journey” Jason replied

Leaving early in the morning, the Caravan had made quick process down the old road to Bismarck and apart from some hungry Mole rats had not run into any trouble, although since the Caravan was only carrying computers parts. It was unlikely to get attacked by raiders anyway.

Reaching the outskirts of Bismarck Jason parted ways with caravan. Jason opened his bag, inside was a Blue per-war suit, with a black tie and “Vault-Tec” pin. Jason began to change into the Blue suit as he watched the Caravan and one of the cute female guard made their way down one of Bismarck old roads.

Once I’m dressed I’ll contact Midas valley and then enter Deco…
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:52 am

OOC: Just a small correction, Deco is a sort of city in a city. It's walls surround nine city blocks of a chunk of Bismarck, the hotel in the center is just the heart of Deco. :laugh:
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Michael Russ
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:33 am

OOC: I've just picked up Skyrim, so I need to get a post up while I can.

Lord Richard Bolton
Devil's Lake

"My Lord, the... Dragon Council have arrived."

Richard scoffed and sat up in his throne. It was getting dark out, he could see. "Do not degrade yourself by referring to those savages as they wish. Devil's Lake holds the clean water in Dakota, they'll bend over if I bloody say so. Disarm the bodyguards and bring them in, I suppose."

Joseph nodded and set off.

"I only hope this savage realises that we have an entire army in this city, and can obliterate him if he does not act to our liking," the Bull commented, shifting in his seat.

"He is of outside Devil's Lake, and calls himself Emperor. A bloody mutant to the bone. I would prefer it if he stayed alive though, there's always more caps to be squeezed from this Wasteland."

Richard began thinking over events in North Dakota as he waited for the so-called Great Emperor of the Millennium Chi Coven to arrive. His minded settled on Jamestown, and a plan he had been setting up for months stuck. Am I being impatient, he wondered, as he thought it through. The soldiers are already mine, my cap shipment ensured as much.

"Sara, has the water shipment to Jamestown set off yet?" The old bat shook her head. "Send for Thane Marinza. I wish to have words with him once this current business has been concluded.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:16 pm

Aiden - Emperor of Millennium Chi

After a slight wait, the guards of Devil's Lake nodded towards the group. "Lord Bolton has allowed you to step into the Devil's Lake. We will strip you of your weapons and you will head straight towards Lord Bolton," the guard said, with a sort of superiority about him.

Aiden agreed and relinquished the party's weapons, which only consisted of what Aiden's personal guards brought with them.

With all of the weapons relinquished to the guards, the guard opened the gate, revealing the Devil's Lake. To the Royal Guards and Evelyn, it was an incredible city that dwarfed the Millennium Chi's village of a few hundred people. But to Aiden and his councillors, who have seen Seattle at its full power during their childhood, Devil's Lake was just a welcome sight after residing in a backwater village for five years and conquering what was little more than campsites.

The group was greeted with an escort, barely armed. Aiden smirked as he allowed the escort to lead the group towards Bolton.

This "Lord Bolton" truly doesn't think of me as a threat. Perhaps he's expecting to see a savage and a band of rags as soldiers, offering gifts of diamonds...ah yes, the "tribute". Too bad for Bolton...maybe he won't think of me as a pushover once we get to talking

When they arrived, Aiden shrugged off the escort's talking about respect to Bolton and instead headed inside Lord Bolton's office.

Aiden faced down Bolton with Evelyn, who was wearing a silk dress, at his flank. The Royal Guards positioned themselves near Aiden and the councillors to both kill any attackers in seconds and to provide an air of power to the convoy while the councillors simply drifted around the group in their red and gold robes.

"Lord Bolton, a pleasure to meet you. I must say, it's fresh being in a large city once again...after spending years in a backwater, it's nice to see civilization once more."
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