I think this will all escalate into....nothing.
I agree, or at least hope so.
I rather picture it like this:
Countries on the playground
South Korea is climbing on the monkeybars, and North Korea, China's little brother is digging in the dirt watching SK.
NK throws sand at South Korea.
South Korea, the US's cousin, spits on North Korea's head, and calls North Korea a [censored]head.
China and the US are on the swing sets, setting up a nintendo game swap.
The EU has brought a metal detector to school and is looking for lost lunch money in the dirt.
No one wants to play with Iran and Venezuala because they are lacking in people skills. So they are off by themselves throwing frisbees and mocking everyone else.
China and the US stop swinging and look at each other. NK and SK are now tussling in the dirt.
The teacher (UN) comes over and puts North Korea on the bench the rest of teh recess for bullying, and South Korea has to write "I will not vulgar language while on the playground." China and the US continue to do business.
South Korea vows revenge. North Korea beings to plot, and the next day, stockpiles a small arsenal of acorns.