Lets calm down people. China will not enter in a nuclear war. If NK by some crazy twist decides to fire nukes, it may do a fair damage, but it will not cause any kind of global nuclear holocaust. China has far too much to lose by firing nukes at the US. Will it be pissed if Pyongyang becomes a crater? Sure. But will it fire nukes at D.C.? Not a chance. Sorry, anyone who thinks this will lead to the end of the world/world war 3 is living in fantasy land. NK will never fire nukes, because it will become a hole in the ground, and what will that achieve?
I mostly agree with you on the points of why would any country really back crazy ass NK.
As far as what does NK have to gain? Why many could speculate NK has nothing to gain, the NK culture and ideology is quite different than our country and many other countries who have not closed themselves off to the international community for the approx past 50 yrs.
I predict and hope "cooler heads will prevail."
As far as living in a fantasy land when I say this could be the start of WWIII, hey that may be.
Then again, I'm sure when WWI started people said " A world war? That's just crazy. Cooler heads and diplomacy will prevail."
The world is a crazy place.