I guess it's the matter on how you perceive the lore - I always thought that at last 60% of it's facts are superstitions, and "broken records". Not saying that something specific is untrue, but just about anything has a chance of turning out not how you expected it. Our ancient Egyptians swore that the thing in the sky is god Ra, believed it to be so for a loooong time, does not mean it's true, no more than the fact that the earth is flat. Tamriel is very different form earth, true, but the apple still falls down unless stopped by the wizard
While Northern lights may have a whole realm of different meanings in Tamriel it does not necessary have to - rain is rain, and ionization is ionization.
Lol, but yes, those are real world examples.
I was like that too when I first started TES with Morrowind. Gods? dont make me laugh.
And then I met Mara and a golden floaty guy called Vivec.
In short, In Tamriel, what people believe is real. Wether it is because they believe it that it becomes real, of if they just know its real because the gods told them is verse two.