Autumn is quickly waning, and cold, dark winter is quickly descending onto the land. Before the mountain trails are snowed in, you decide to travel with a trade caravan to a distant village far to the north, in the wild and remote Cold Song Valley. You are drawn by tales of mystery and adventure, of tragedies long forgotten and stories told only in the darkest days of winter when the winds howl and the promise of spring seems to be an age away. Entering the distant valley you feel a shiver of unease as the caravan pulls away. You are alone as the snow begins to fall. Far in the distance you can barely see the warm lights of the distant village, but before you begin walking in that direction you hear a faint song carried on the northern winds- a haunting melody of forlorn tragedies and a past best left forgotten.
Yes, I'm in a winter sort of mood. Anyways, this mod is going to be a quest-driven mod in a new landscape- Cold Song Valley. The landscaping is mostly done and comes in at about 25 playable cells, so it's a good-sized area to explore. Quest-wise, this mod is going to be somewhat non-traditional. Most of the events will have already taken place years ago, and it is up to you as the player to learn the truth about these events and put an end to conflicts still plaguing the valley. I plan to incorporate multiple questlines and endings for the mod in a way that encourages the player to explore the valley and keep digging for the truth about the past. I plan to incorporate as little NPC interaction as possible, mostly because I do not like the way it is handled in Oblivion. Instead, most of the story is going to be told through documents and the memories of other characters, so expect a lot of reading. For now, that's as far as I'll get into the actual plot because (a) I don't want to give anything away and (B) I'm still working out some of the details.
UPDATE: Now 99% done. After looking around a bit I decided to add quite a few more statics as well as clean most of the landscape up. All that's left is some restructuring for quest locations as I need to and a little bit more cleaning.
UPDATE: Village is 100% done.
Dungeons- 0%. Again, not started yet. I plan to have quite a few dungeons (caves, ruins, etc.), and I plan on incorporating a pretty cool "master dungeon" that connects areas of the valley and gives the PC a place to slowly unlock and explore.
Story/Quests- 20%. I have most of the ideas for the story/backstory down, but need to iron out a few details. Once that's all done I can get started on the actual quests.
Dialogue- 0%
Updated: 1/6/2011
Cold Song Valley
Grey Pine Village - Still can't decide if I want Rumors for the NPCs or not
That's all I have for now. If you have any comments/suggestions for what I have, please feel free to share them. Also, if you want to check out what else I've done go download "Northern Winds" or "Season of the Harvest" for Morrowind from Planet Elder Scrolls and play those