Let me start out by saying that Morrowind was my first RPG, ever. I played it the year it came out, and being that I was only 5 years old, I missed a plethora of context, detail, and immersion. However, I loved the game to death. I would come home from school and play it until I had to go to bed. I would take my Xbox with me to my grandmother's house whenever we visited, and hole myself up in her guest room exploring the mazes of Vivec and the perils of the Red Mountain. On my Xbox version, I think I have near 1600 hours logged on the damn game.
Forgiving a short hiatus from The Elder Scrolls, I rebuilt my TES collection on the PC, I've spent thousands of hours in the lands of Cyrodiil and Vvardenfell, downloaded mind-blowing mods, and even (attempted to

Boy was I disappointed. I didn't even reach 90 hours in the game, but felt like I had seen and done everything to the utmost extent. It was so... linear, so... boring. Midterms and school occupied a lot of my time, so whatever gaming I had done since Christmas was mostly in Skyrim.
The feeling of utter completion took me a good 4-5 years to achieve with Oblivion (not including mods), and I haven't even felt an inkling of it in vanilla Morrowind after a decade, so needless to say I was extremely let down by the simplicity and shallowness of TES:V.
Now, keep in mind that I hadn't seriously played Morrowind until recently, with school finally letting up and all.
After my burn-out and disgust with Skyrim, I popped my Morrowind GOTY disc into my PC and got everything up and running, with some of my favorite mods to boot (Capes and Cloaks, MGE, MGSE, etc.).
Plainly put, I nostalgia'd. I rerolled my spell-flinging, sword-swinging Dark Elf named Shoniku, and had a blast. I haven't had this much fun gaming since the old "Thief" games. Revisiting Morrowind really hit me hard with how far I've come with The Elder Scrolls. I marveled at the amount of detail, lore, immersion, and atmosphere within the lands of the Dunmer. I was even inspired to spend a day reading up on the lore, from the wiki. I spied on Fargoth and his hiding place from the lighthouse, I got frustrated trying to pronounce 90% of the names throughout the land, and I fell in love all over again.
So, what about you? What are your nostalgic Morrowind experiences?