Not another Power Armor suggestion...

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:34 am

Maybe save this for a DLC, but the feel of power armor now feels appropriate. It isn't just another suit of armor you can wear, it's size and movement looks, sounds and feels appropriate. I feel like I'm wearing powered armor and not just another suit of armor like in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

But something's still missing...

The weapons you can wield while wearing power armor, can still be wielded if you're not in power armor. The mini gun is nice and all, and the battle with the death claw displayed on every game play release of fallout 4 felt epic.

Noticing the mods you can do for the minigun, eventually you can transform the minigun into the GAU-19 practically (a tri-rotating barrel weapon usually found on vehicles).

What I'd like to see are weapons that can only be equipped on power armor.

Taking the Minigun idea, this would be exemplified by the GAU-8... otherwise known as the Avenger, the weapon found on the nose cone of the A-10 Thunderbolt. With this weapon the seize and weight of a 1960's VW Bug with thousands of rounds, it'd be wielded with two hands and would be considered a piece of equipment on the power armor, so therefore not a part of calculation of what weighs you down. Can you carry it without power armor? Sure! But it's so heavy that there's a high chance that you'll be weighed down by it so badly that you have reduced speed and are considered overburden all the time.

Such would be the issue with any of these weapons I'll relate to you all.

All of these weapons would be obtainable either through drops off of powered enemies (power armor humans or those rare legendaries of exceptional size), or by constructing them from a more base weapon at the weapon bench; i.e.: the GAU-8 would be a final upgrade of the Minigun.

Now a list of Weapons:


* Mega-Sledge - Derived from the sledge hammer. Picture a hammer with a car engine on it. Jerk the rip cord to ignite the weapon when you pull it, and its plates either super heat or electrify. A legendary version of this could be called "Mojlnir."

* Rigorous Assault Cannon - Derived from an assault rifle, this is a semi-auto large-bore weapon that fires thirty to fifty millimeter rounds down range. A legendary version could be called "Boomstick"

* Vehicular Rail Gun or Gauss Cannon - Derived from the Rail gun or the Gauss gun, these are the big brothers of those two rare weapons. Currently - as in our reality - the smallest rail gun exists on a battleship (to quote Arnold in 'Eraser') and is on naval trials. But pull the trigger, and its round is launched at mach 7, exemplifying that the faster something goes, the more energy it releases when it strikes something.

* 30mm - 50mm Anti Material Rifle - Yes... these exist. New Vegas used one of these weapons, and it fires a 50cal round. There is a GRAND difference between 50cal and 30mm or 50mm rounds. These are derived from sniper rifles. a legendary version could be the "Longbow"

* Belt fed shotgun - yes, this also exists. Firing slugs instead of spread, this is a rapid budda-budda-budda-boom! Needs more Dakka. A legendary version would be called "Rolling thunder"

* Particle Beam Cannon - Extremely rare. This one needs to be found! It could only be found... and requires a certain degree of luck. This is the large version of the Alien Blaster! This also belies the thought that there would also be Zetans in power armor too. Which also opens up the can of worms of: "Can there also be Alien power armor parts?" It's shots go through multiples of alien ammunition... maybe 2 or 3 per shot.

Other Noteables:


* Laser Cannon

* Plasma Cannon

* Plasma Torch

* Chainsaw Flamberge/Zweihander

As a final note... yes... if you gear yourself right, you will have the strength enough to roll with one of these weapons on your person without being encumbered. It'd be HARD! But you could do it. You'd undoubtedly be very high level for that. Essentially, there can be powered versions of every weapon.

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Avril Churchill
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