Not bad in the End : that's why I switched pc to Consolle

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:31 am

Ok Here is my small review/ impression on the game , I am very afictionated at Crysis and I love that game , I also liked a lot the story and I wanted to see the sequel so whatever where the opintions and even if I disliked the DEMO I wanted to play the SP game .... I was undecided if get it for PC or Consolle , the first woudl allow me better graphics and editor to mod it, the second would allow me 3d vision and gaming with friends online ( if I get to pass the DEMO experience ) , After reading many posts about how the game graphics on PC look lower level than original crysis 1 and how the graphics are very much similar to the consolle version I decided to take the Consolle version ...

So this is my Opinion , I do not think now there is much difference between the two that's why I posted in PC forum ....

First of all I must say that After reading all the reviews and playing the DEMO , my expectations where very low , instead I was surprisingly satisfied by the SP game , the game runs fine and is nice , the textures are what I would expect on the consolle and the Nanosuit works well , I do not feel the complains of others about the downgrading of the nanosuit power , I can mostly do all what I did in first crysis , Altough I liked more the crysis 1 wheel and the strenght speed invisibility etc .... this nanosuit 2 isn't bad , the only thig Is that I miss the maximum power , maximum speed etc ... it felt more superhuman while this feels more human actually if I had to make a comparison I would think nanosuit 1 beats nanosuit 2 but nanosuit 2 is more tactical like having the thermal vision etc...

the levels to me look more linear and smaller than crysis 1 ... a bit disappointed

the enemy aliens look like Elite aliens of halo reach ( am I the only one feeling this ? ) Not that is a bad thing but I preferred the tripod like looking aliens of the first crysis , they where more original ....

too many human enemies in the town , It seems a whole army wants to fight me when I want to fight aliens I find mostly humans ...

About the textures I suppose that the texture resolution are lower because the environment is much more detailed and rich than a jungle environment , so required may be many more textures and details .
I coul notice a lot of errors , like floathing models ,unconnected modular pieces , bad texturing seams , some object ( large ) have low res ) While some object ( small ) have larger textures , some are very good and some are very blurred ,and I do not understand much this inconsistence but all this you notice only if you are very picky and you worked a lot with moding or game inside ....

Models and vegetations are very good , I especially like the trees ...but...
Another thing that I miss is the destructable environment , I mean this was highly publicized in the previews and then I find out that only a small amount of things get destruction , but I cant destroy trees like in crysis one , the plants donot bend when you wwalk close or shoot at , apart one single bush I found around ... and mostly you cannot shoot all the items in the game as , boxes or even humans when you shoot at they just do nothing neither get harmed ....

MY HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT instead was to see that Prophed died :( :( :( ..... After all the fight I had to do to save his ass from Crysis 1 now I would have liked him to be the protagonist of this new crysis 2 but ho well ....

Overall I am likng anyway crysis 2 , I haven't even tried the MP but I do not think I will stop on it much , I liked more cryis 1 and I hope may be in a future expansion or crysis 3 ... anyway as soon as I will complete the game I will sell it and get the PC version hoping that in the meanwhile they will release a patch for high res textures and direct x 11 and editor ^^ ......

I knew that SP woudl have been better than MP and the SP game is very good I think overall ...
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:01 am

no comments?
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:22 am



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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:29 am


Just wondering who agrees or disagrees with me and on what ...
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