Throughout Bethesda's recent games I've noticed something that is present in Morrowind and continues to be a problem in Oblivion, and also in Fallout 3. While these are supposed to be roleplaying games, one thing I find quite frustrating is the lack of an 'Abandon Quest' option. The team themselves say in the manual 'play it the way you want.' One of the fundamental things about an rpg is choice. And yet I find that if I accept a mission, I don't have the choice to abandon it, and sometimes it is given to me automatically without me wanting to accept it. This, to me, undermines the whole point of being able to choose what you want to do. It's been very frustrating with this problem, as unwanted missions clog up the quest log and there's no way to make them go away. Sometimes even, I have accidentally got the quest from someone, and other times I've got it but the npc I need to talk to is dead so I can't actually turn it in, therefore the quest stays in the log permanently. Now, a lot of people will probably say, who cares, big deal. But the fact is, its ROLEPLAYING, so I want to play what my character would do. I want to know if there are other roleplayers who have this problem and what their opinions on the subject are.