I'm not buying Crysis till Crysis 2 is fixed.

Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:20 pm


I want Crysis, I WANT IT BAD... but I'm not buying it till Crysis 2 is fixed. I have encountered SO many glitches in this game. This is ridiculous. I've had invisible weapons, inability to pick up C4, inability to reload the JAW, the netcode is just plain bad, the game refuses to give me 100% completion because it says I haven't found weapon attachments that I have found--numerous times over, and in multiplayer it tells me I haven't unlocked all the weapons when I have, even the DLC weapons. Not to mention I can barely get a game on the DLC that I paid $10 for.

But worst of all is not being able to get the Dedication achievement to 100% the game and move on to Crysis when it comes out. If I can't log on and play a game and get that achievement then forget me ever buying anything developed by Crytek, Timesplitters, the next Homefront, Crysis... nothing. If this doesn't get fixed I'll swing my arms around and dance like a jackass while I play my Wii before I ever buy another game from Crytek. I've had it. HAD IT.

You guys want people to pay $60 for your software and not to buy used copies and this and that... but you reward the people who do buy your game for full price at launch with a buggy mess. It's not just Crytek, it's getting to be nearly every developer, but the bugs in Crysis 2 are so numerous and the number of achievements that are/were glitched is ridiculous. At one point, I had to clear the cache of my Xbox just to be able to have the game not freeze upon entering multiplayer.

And yeah, I know there are numerous topics on the matter here, but we need to make as many as we can. This isn't something we should let Crytek ignore. I'm fed up. If you want me to buy Crysis then make sure I get this achievement and don't just sit there like a bottle of piss with a stupid look on your face, Crytek.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:32 pm

Couldn't agree more. It's sad to see, how quickly they abandoned this game. Instead of fixing the major bugs that ruin the experience, they focused on selling overpriced DLC packages. Multiplayer in this game could've been incredibly enjoyable if it wasn't for some major bugs like bad latency compensation, failing host migration, unfortunate host selection and glitched achievements (just to name a few). I don't remember any other game developer disappointing me as much as Crytek did with Crysis 2. So I for one will not buy any of their games, until I see a drastic and honest change in the way they treat their customers.
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