Looking at all the clips that are around I'm not convinced that I will be using the duel wielding of spell in one hand and weapon in the other. Don't get me wrong it looks very cool but I imagine I will either use spells as I close with the enemy and then switch to sword and shield as the added shield tactics (staggering etc) appeal to me. Up close I think duel wielding spells will be awesome (flamethrowers anyone) but not being able to block when one hand has a weapon is not really my fighting style.
Maybe a shield spell in one hand might work, or a confuse/blind/terror like spell.
What do ya reckon?
For me it really depends on the situation.
Is it just me vs only 1 enemy? Then I dual-wield swords (a bow if the enemy is far away).
Is it just me vs a few enemies who are quite far away? I use magic in both hands.
Am I against a high number of foes all in melee range? Sword and shield will get the job done.