It started off like any other day...
I'd had my home cooked meal (always a pie, I thought) got on my clothes and boots and headed down to the smithy. Adrianne was in a good mood. She worked at the
grindstone and talked about how great Eorland is while I worked the forge. I was about to makes another piece of leather armour when i realised i had no leather left, nor hides or pelts to make more. So I grabbed my bow and arrow and headed out on the hunt. I ventured into the woodland near riverwood and managed to get myself a few
deer and a wolf. Not bad. I saw riverwood was close so I stop in to the Sleeping Giant for an ale and some steak. It was nearing lunch after all. However, while I was crossing the bridge I heard that familiar sound. I felt that familiar feeling. It soared above me and dove before I could grab my sword. It was a tough one. A Blood. So I summoned my atronach for assistance while I got myself together. The fight was intense but i was clearly getting the better of it. I hit it with a couple of firebolts and knocked it out of the air. It rested right in the middle of the town, it was weak and dying. However, with it's last bit of strength it took a breath..flames everywhere...the damn flames. I was across the river when it happened. I hit it with another firebolt and it perished. However the true damage had already been done. I crossed the river and saw him lying there. Alvor. The blacksmith. His wife and daughter kneeling and crying over his lifeless body. I could only stand there. Alvor knew he was no dragonslayer...but he tried to be. I am. I'm dragonborn...and I gave it up. Now Alvor is dead. He will be the last.
It's not easy being Dragonborn....
That literally just happened.