Not enough development time

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:41 pm

I wish there were spears, but at least I have romances. There are always thing that must be cut, because of development time.
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:29 am

They will have worked on it for 5 years. How much stuff do we want. They have to make choices because one more month to include this and then one more to include that then another for something else they would love to do or we would love to see...keeps adding up month by month and year by year. Personally I think 2006-2011 is plenty long to call it enough. Sooner or later they must start work on a next gen game.

I completely agree with this... We all just need to calm down and just appreciate Bethesda and the fruit of their labor what what they are and it is...
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:36 am

Why does everyone make a martyr of the devs whenever something is "cut" from a game? Sometimes ideas just don't pan out and sometimes it's just not worth all the time, money, and effort when you can use said resources to better ends.

Spears were probably cut because the time, money, and effort needed to give them models, stats, animations, skills, perks, etc was too tall an order for something that really doesn't bring anything terribly distinctive to the game (it's mostly just poking and not that dissimilar to normal 2H weapons). Not because some dark producers, clad in hooded robes, descended upon the studio and stole the spears away in the dead of night, leaving naught but the word "deadline" carved into Todd's desk to mark their passing.

It happens everywhere all the time in real life. You can't do everything, and nothing is perfect. Hell it's usually a good thing - art through adversity and all that.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:29 am

Yes there are always cuts in every game imho you have to get done sooner or later.You could just keep building and comeing up with good ideas sooner or later you have to say ok thats the game.
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:08 am

They will have worked on it for 5 years. How much stuff do we want. They have to make choices because one more month to include this and then one more to include that then another for something else they would love to do or we would love to see...keeps adding up month by month and year by year. Personally I think 2006-2011 is plenty long to call it enough. Sooner or later they must start work on a next gen game.

This i should have read first you said it better than me.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:15 am

I'm probably a little bit off on my assumptions, but...

With stuff like this, time literally is money. There are people making this game, and they all have to get paid. Like in the movie business and similar media - this generally comes out of capital that is received beforehand by investors for an expected return on investment. Looked at from that view, the "deadline" is simply when that money runs out, and there's no longer any money to pay these guys to work on the game any longer.

Obviously, that's on overly-simplistic view of the business. There are companies that have a reputation for delaying release of a game until it's "ready." (Blizzard comes to mind, for example.) But generally, it seems like most companies have to struggle more in balancing between monetary concerns versus quality.

(That being said, that's really no different than any other media. A writer can spend ten years writing one novel - but they're not going to be making a living doing that, and no publisher is going to advance them enough money to be able to do that independently. Even the most "indie" of movies has to get finished at some point. Coming from a classical art background myself - and taking "videogames as art" as a given - all art stems from striking a balance between practicality, perfection, and creativity. I can't remember who said it, but there's a famous quote something along the lines of "no great painting is ever finished - only abandoned."

That's likely true of videogame design, as well. You're only ever going to be able to do so much. And the end result is always going to be better if you set a goal that exceeds your practical limits, and pare back from there. If you end up creating something that's actually exactly as good as you'd intended - then you probably weren't really trying hard enough. ;) )

Yep and i appreciate the fact that these guys have spent 5 years rather than pumping out smaller games its definately time for it to pay off they are gonna make some huge cash the game looks awesome.
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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:28 pm

I don't get why people are getting all worked up over spears, would you rather that they get swords and blunt objects right OR have spears? I really don't think people would want to wait longer for the game just to add them in but I have been wrong before, I personally wouldn't want any delays, maybe they can bring in a spear mod later down the track?

5 Years of development I think is plenty of time even for a TES game especially when you consider other game companies have released 2-3 games in the same amount of time!
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:28 pm

Skyrim is the most resonable province out of every single one in tamriel to have spears because it is home of the nords and a more barbaric culture

Um, Black Marsh?
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:11 am

I'm probably a little bit off on my assumptions, but...

With stuff like this, time literally is money. There are people making this game, and they all have to get paid. Like in the movie business and similar media - this generally comes out of capital that is received beforehand by investors for an expected return on investment. Looked at from that view, the "deadline" is simply when that money runs out, and there's no longer any money to pay these guys to work on the game any longer.

Obviously, that's on overly-simplistic view of the business. There are companies that have a reputation for delaying release of a game until it's "ready." (Blizzard comes to mind, for example.) But generally, it seems like most companies have to struggle more in balancing between monetary concerns versus quality.

(That being said, that's really no different than any other media. A writer can spend ten years writing one novel - but they're not going to be making a living doing that, and no publisher is going to advance them enough money to be able to do that independently. Even the most "indie" of movies has to get finished at some point. Coming from a classical art background myself - and taking "videogames as art" as a given - all art stems from striking a balance between practicality, perfection, and creativity. I can't remember who said it, but there's a famous quote something along the lines of "no great painting is ever finished - only abandoned."

That's likely true of videogame design, as well. You're only ever going to be able to do so much. And the end result is always going to be better if you set a goal that exceeds your practical limits, and pare back from there. If you end up creating something that's actually exactly as good as you'd intended - then you probably weren't really trying hard enough. ;) )

This is truth.
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u gone see
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:33 am

I've waited some time already and could certainly stand to not play it for a while longer than planned, if only it meant that the game would be more complex, less buggy and generally better for it.

If you try to excuse anything with 'lack of development time' when it was you who set the deadline in the first place, that's just... tasteless.
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:29 am

One word. Just one word. No.

Spears, I really want in Skyrim but not enough to extend the deadline. Especially since they scheduled the time in the most epic spot possible of this year. 11/11/11. Come on, all ones. That has to mean #1 Game of Winter 2011. Son, if they don't meet the date, I'm going to get so mad. And if they come up with some sort of user made DLC(able to mod the game by basics or import PC mods into consoles), I really don't care whether or not they're in the game.

Mods people. If the console gamers want mods, just cross your fingers and hope that you can import PC mods to consoles or they come out with an expansion that adds spears and other cut content. "Director's Cut" DLC. Adds all the stuff the fans begged for.
But in terms of other cut content, factions. I want more than a few factions. But then again, if more factions mean a crappy story, unfinished story, or a crappy faction, then no. However, it would be nice to see Skyrim populated with more than two legal guilds and two criminal guilds pretty much like in Oblivion. And I'd also like to see how each faction deals with the Main Quest problem.

In Oblivion, nobody gave a flying Khajiit excrement about the Oblivion gates opening. Literally, not a single mention of it other than generic NPC conversations was ever mentioned of it in the faction quest. I mean I could understand the Dark Brotherhood since they're a polytheistic religious group bent on killing random people for money. But really, no mention in the Fighter's Guild?
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:48 am

I've waited some time already and could certainly stand to not play it for a while longer than planned, if only it meant that the game would be more complex, less buggy and generally better for it.

If you try to excuse anything with 'lack of development time' when it was you who set the deadline in the first place, that's just... tasteless.

"Setting the deadline" is a lot more complex than you may realize. And it doesn't always work out the way developers planned it. In fact, it rarely does. So yes, lack of development time is a valid response for a game developer to give.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:26 am

Face it, the more they cut the more they can milk out of you later via DLC's.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:28 pm

People forget this thing had been worked on for more than 4 years... Thats a hell of a long time in the gaming industry. Im SURE after four years they are cutting things now because they're out of time. Did I mention how long four years is? No? Its FOUR freaking years!
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sam smith
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:53 am

They were in earlier games however.

No, they were in Morrowind. Assumptions can very easily be wrong (especially when someone assumes anything about previous Elder Scrolls games based only on future ones or a future one) and this one is. Morrowind, one earlier game, had spears. Arena and Daggerfall did not. They did have flails, however. Why aren't people disappointed about a lack of those? They made more appearances in the series than spears, you know.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:43 pm

People forget this thing had been worked on for more than 4 years... Thats a hell of a long time in the gaming industry. Im SURE after four years they are cutting things now because they're out of time. Did I mention how long four years is? No? Its FOUR freaking years!

Yep and any longer they will be having to remaster everything to fit the current generation and then we will just get a Elder Scrolls version of Duke Nukem Forever.
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Charlotte X
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:32 am

I can't remember any Nordish spears in Morrowind - Dunmer, Imperial and Dwemer but not Nordish - so I no longer care - it would take longer than a month to do all the testing - however if they were to give me a jousting lance I'd be pretty excited - that would make the arena more of a challenge :)

I'm expecting lots of cuts but some of these will make their way back into the game via DLC
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:50 am

I don't like comments like "Levitation" nerfs the game.

Really? Make it a high level magic, ie, requiring you to be far into the game to acquire it, as opposed to MW where you could get it almost right off the bat.

I can imagine how that meeting went.

Tech: So, we need to address the concern that Levitation is a bit unbalancing.
Todd: Cut it..
Tech: Todd, that's a bit extreme, we could...
Todd: Cut it..
Tech: But, I was just gonna say..
Todd: Cut it..
Tech: Fine, we cut it.
Todd: Alright, next issue, got a game to build people, let's keep it moving, chop, chop.

Tech: Next up, we have the issues of..
Todd: Cut it...
Tech: But I haven't..
Todd: Cut it..
Tech: Sigh...
Todd: Cut it..
Tech: ........
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Charles Weber
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:04 pm


Spears aren't in Skyrim because they serve no purpose. It's been said over and over again. they are an unnecessary weapon that filled no particular role. It's like the mysticism of the weapon family. I dare you all to come up with one reason why spears are deserving of a spot in our arsenal.

Also, it's fair to say, if it didn't make it into OB, it never had a chance in Skyrim.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:21 am

Do you guys think they might have cut anything else because of devlopment time?

Is the Pope Catholic?
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:18 am

Is the Pope Catholic?

Define "Catholic"
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sara OMAR
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:54 am


Spears aren't in Skyrim because they serve no purpose. It's been said over and over again. they are an unnecessary weapon that filled no particular role. It's like the mysticism of the weapon family. I dare you all to come up with one reason why spears are deserving of a spot in our arsenal.

Also, it's fair to say, if it didn't make it into OB, it never had a chance in Skyrim.

Just because its been said again and again doesn't make it true
Spears fill a variety of roles - hunting weapons (eg boar spear), throwing weapons, cheap weapons that are effective even in the hands of a relatively poorly trained militia
If they didn't have a role they wouldn't have been around for thousands of years
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Marine x
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:54 am

Define "Catholic"

fiddles with........ no forget it (it ain't worth the hassel)

Of course there is never enough development time. You can always add things to a game and make it better but at somepoint you have to draw the line or else it will never get released and will always be in development
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:55 am

For spears? no. For crossbows, armor slots and acrobatics perks (if they're not already in in some form) Hell yea.
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JD bernal
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:48 pm

People forget this thing had been worked on for more than 4 years... Thats a hell of a long time in the gaming industry. Im SURE after four years they are cutting things now because they're out of time. Did I mention how long four years is? No? Its FOUR freaking years!

Ever developed a massive AAA open world sandbox game before? You sound very sure of yourself there, bud.
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