Wth? I hoofed it from Whiterun all the way to Riften twice (round trip) all on foot and I came across 2 trolls, 2 packs of wolves, 1 group of bandits and that was it the entire time both ways! Where's all the baddies, roaming Skyrim svcks there's no one to fight hardly ever. Are there more random encounters if you turn up the difficulty?
I went for a wander today rather than doing quests just explored, I came across all kinds of lifeforms! Bandits, Spiders, Mud Crabs, Hunters, Standarr peeps, even nobility, not to mention all the animals.
I went for a wander today rather than doing quests just explored, I came across all kinds of lifeforms! Bandits, Spiders, Mud Crabs, Hunters, Standarr peeps, even nobility, not to mention all the animals.
Nasty creatures. Did you steer well clear of them?
Man maybe it's a scripted glitch for me or something. I've done a lot of other roaming too and I hardly ever come across anything other than wolves or trolls.
so you did check, eh? cant imagine the jarl liked that :lmao: (btw, turning up difficulty does not change the randomness of random encounters)
Dang it thanx for the difficulty info. And actually I think the jarl did like it, nords always gave me a weird vibe for some reason. I think there all closet freaks.