I'm not a fan... Crysis 2 should be relabled "Call of Duty"

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

So I bought the game and WOW I'm so disappointed. If I wanted to play Call of Duty I click on my icon for that game instead of Crysis 2. Multi player: No Power Struggle, no vehicels, most maps are dark and gloomy. I know companies need to follow the money and consoles win hands down for games liek this I'm sure. But myself and other PC gamers I've talked with feel like we got the shaft. I hope for an editor so that Power Struggle maps can be incorporated into the game, I hopefor more then 6 on 6 or 8 on 8. This game I'm sure is a hit with XBox360 and PS3 gamers (I have both systems myself). But as a PC gamer, I'm not impressed with it and will still be playing Crysis Wars Multi player as it looks for now. I just hate I wasted $60 on a game like this. Even the originally videos from Crytek that featured the Cryengine editor Crysis Wars type maps creation with beaches, palm trees and the like. Not maps that looked like Call of Duty. I'm done venting now.

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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:44 am

The majority of PC gamers, 360 gamers (the Call of Duty cocksvckers), PS3 gamers, major review critics, and ****, even wii fanboys ALL see and ESTABLISH Crysis 2 as it's own kind of fun, it's own kind of game, and something the fps genre needed in terms of gameplay styles. The nanosuit 2 alone makes it far from being call of duty.

Get lost troll.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:25 pm

i agree with the 2nd post, how the fu@* is this game anything like call of duty? it has kill streak rewards with a bit of a twist and make a class option and people think its another call of duty wow... *face palm* and has it occured to op that the reason the maps are not set on a island type location with beaches and palm tree's is because the game is not set on a island environment anymore?

like seriosuly most people here just want a exact copy of crysis 1 with a new engine or something...
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:16 am

The 2nd post is misinformed knee jerk reactionist BS [Someone's hatin' on mah game! I gotta go mess them up on the internets!].

The maps aren't nearly as large as Crysis is known for, the gameplay is the same **** run and gun no skill garbage that spans all recent shooters and the gameplay modes are all the same ****. No need for tactics, teamwork, or planning.

Violet, when the hell has a game's "non-story related multiplayer" ever not included maps because of the story setting? Crysis had maps in desert valleys, the game took place in close proximity to Korea.

Enjoy your over-rushed, let down of a CoD Clone with super powers. Crysis Wars remains king.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

Crysis had maps in desert valleys, the game took place in close proximity to Korea.

The lingshan islands are in the Phillipines about 1700 miles from Korea, it was just that the north koreas had came there trying to beat the U.S. at finding the ultimate source of power. Also where were the desert maps, I saw a map called Quarry that according to this page http://planetcrysis.gamespy.com/View.php?view=GameInfo.Detail&id=11 was set in the Marshall Islands, which are some 3500 miles from North Korea...
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:49 am

brother i feel you , what a let down this game is. i beat it in less than 5 hours, and yes.. **** call of duty all over this game, im sick of call of duty! and every other fps game trying to be call of duty! i have been sick of it for years. I loved... looooved crysis 1, i cant believe they didnt even mention nomad, or phsyco, or any thing! or any one! from the first game.. they took away our suit menu which i loved, they took away the ability to free sprint front back and side to side, its just straight forward like every other gay fps. it justs makes me so sad they didnt even mention nomad let alone have you play as him. i didnt see that one wooded/forest level with the big pretty water fall they were showing off in the previews. many many misleads by crytek. did they really think they were gonna fool all of us?

i feel you, i didnt want a better call of duty (it was so obvious at parts that thats what they were trying to do it was sickening, it wasnt cool or excitING or engaging or fun, it was downright disappointing mainly cuz ive SEEN IT ALL BEFORE, in every other fps. i didnt want a better CoD, i wanted crysis 2.

i played through C1 8 times and it was different every time cuz there is a wholllle island to explore. this game will NOT get a second playthough, i've already seen the whole game. *very.. very sad*

if any of you *love* this game, you are obviously not a true Crysis 1 fan. And if you cant see how this game is Call of Duty with a Crysis label, then you're so stupid you dont even deserve to have an opinion.

alright im done. **** C2.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:46 am

Yeah I was looking forward to flying a VtoL through the city, now i would be happy just to drive a truck through the parking lot. As for maps ya these are alot smaller. If you wanted to compare map sizes, to get the size of a crysis map you would need to take parking garage, terminal, city hall and downed bird in one map. But Consoles dont do well with anything more than 8 on 8 so ya a map that big would svck for them since they would never find anyone.

Hell I can go play counterstrike which is over 10 years old and still get more than 8 on 8. As for bringing something new to the genre what has it brought, the slide? Past that the nanosuit is done better in crysis one and the weapon/unlocks seemed to be alot more balanced in COD, MW, BC or BF franchise titles what really has this game brought to the genre that you can't get somewhere else.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:10 am

Opinions of the supporters of the new Crysis 2 are just as valid as mine and I don’t flame you for your opinions. So don’t flame mine. But say what you will supports of the Crysis 2 Game. This should be relabeled something like Call of Duty with a few extra Bells and Whistles. This game is nothing like the original Crysis or Crysis Wars play. Actually this is a pretty pathetic attempt by Crytek to quietly abandon one market space (PC users) for more profitable ones (Xbox 360 and PS3). Yes Crytek succeeded, but at the cost of abandoning the original market space that got them to a position to even release their newest title. I agree everyone wants to make more profit, then sink that profit into addition and new R&D etc. But Crytek should not have assumed that the original PC users that made it what it is today would just lie down and take it. So I and many other PC games I know uninstalled the game (I personally shredded my copy of the DVD). The new game should have been titled totally different. But again it’s the name that got them where they are today so that needed that recognition. Crytek this was a terrible move on your part as you pretty much abandoned the original PC user base for the more money spending market space, Xbox 360 and PS3.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:19 am

maps are definitely way too small and reminiscent of CoD style pointless shoot-em-all gameplay

I'd like to see modders putting larger maps and vehicles back into the game, but I'm wondering if the "upgraded" engine can handle the load of large draw distances and lots of foliage.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 am

The 2nd post is misinformed knee jerk reactionist BS [Someone's hatin' on mah game! I gotta go mess them up on the internets!].

It's called being a true supporting fan to Crytek, a company who wasn't given the chance to finish their game because the publisher gave too little time to finish the game up and forced them to release it, and thus with all these problems, Crytek is getting unfair hate. They are still going to fix the game through updates and patches and do cool **** like DX11 implementation, but people just need to be patient. I'm patient because I'm a real fan. I'm not turning my back with an empty mind unlike most others here.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:27 am

Except for the 1000 ways it's different, and the fact it's way better, yea it's just like Call of Duty.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:23 am

it's not exactly like CoD, but it's much closer to CoD than it is to crysis wars and battlefield, which were much better games.

The current multiplayer is much too fast, it's frantic, devoid of tactics, and matches last four minutes. It's perfect for console kids, but the PC community is older and still remembers the glory of BF2 and others like it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:39 pm

crysis 2 =duty calls + nano suite

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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:34 am

The majority of PC gamers, 360 gamers (the Call of Duty cocksvckers), PS3 gamers, major review critics, and ****, even wii fanboys ALL see and ESTABLISH Crysis 2 as it's own kind of fun, it's own kind of game, and something the fps genre needed in terms of gameplay styles. The nanosuit 2 alone makes it far from being call of duty.

Get lost troll.
This ^

This is a unique game and should not be classified as a COD Knockoff ..
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:06 am

Hey man, you're missing the point of what Crytek tried to do with the multiplayer feature of the game.
They took the best ideas from Call of Duty so they can make the multiplayer experience familiar and continuous.
Killcam, Killstreak bonus, unlockable upgrades & etc. are all features of Call of Duty that made it popular and fun and Crytek obviously spent a lot of time researching what FPS gamers are familiar with.

You think Crysis 2 is the only game that learned from Call of Duty? BFBC2 also uses things like point system, "Your Killer" cam, unlockable weapons and etc.

It's just the direction all FPS games are going toward, because Call of Duty obviously made some great improvements for the FPS genre that other companies want to learn from.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:54 pm

This game is better than BO by far. Although it is a mix of Halo/COD, its still its own game

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Amiee Kent
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:58 am

Man this game failed so hard. COD 4 was great, the rest meh
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Janette Segura
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:35 pm

You're all idiots.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:24 am

i completely disagree... the main reason why i like crysis 2 so much because it is so different from other fps's! its something fresh! :)

but i do agree the game feels like a mix of call of duty and halo... this i have no problem with. Halo: Reach got the suit ideas from crysis 1 anyways... so stop complaining n00bs
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