» Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:49 am
brother i feel you , what a let down this game is. i beat it in less than 5 hours, and yes.. **** call of duty all over this game, im sick of call of duty! and every other fps game trying to be call of duty! i have been sick of it for years. I loved... looooved crysis 1, i cant believe they didnt even mention nomad, or phsyco, or any thing! or any one! from the first game.. they took away our suit menu which i loved, they took away the ability to free sprint front back and side to side, its just straight forward like every other gay fps. it justs makes me so sad they didnt even mention nomad let alone have you play as him. i didnt see that one wooded/forest level with the big pretty water fall they were showing off in the previews. many many misleads by crytek. did they really think they were gonna fool all of us?
i feel you, i didnt want a better call of duty (it was so obvious at parts that thats what they were trying to do it was sickening, it wasnt cool or excitING or engaging or fun, it was downright disappointing mainly cuz ive SEEN IT ALL BEFORE, in every other fps. i didnt want a better CoD, i wanted crysis 2.
i played through C1 8 times and it was different every time cuz there is a wholllle island to explore. this game will NOT get a second playthough, i've already seen the whole game. *very.. very sad*
if any of you *love* this game, you are obviously not a true Crysis 1 fan. And if you cant see how this game is Call of Duty with a Crysis label, then you're so stupid you dont even deserve to have an opinion.
alright im done. **** C2.