Yesterday when playing I was at level 8 at the time and had a go at getting rid of the deathclaws in the quarry for the people of sloan. In my 5 or 6 attempts I kept getting killed after the second hit from a deathclaw. I thought to myself I need a sniper rifle, So I went to get the gobi sniper rifle which took along time to get because of the wasteland scum trying to kill me ect. Anyways after taking my time on the way back I ended up getting Boone as a follower. By the time I got back to Sloan and ready to take on the deathclaw again I was level 11. I used binoculars and my sniper rifle & used a vantage point for taking out each deathclaw in the quarry. Pretty much each deathclaw dropped dead just before they got close me. Then I found the Alpha male & Female, I thought oh crap this is gonna be hard. I used my pyscho, Steady and other items to get me in tip top shape for this. I used the best vantage points I could find and started firing, Luckly they got slowed down by a few objects which I had intended them to do (Good vantage point with objects between us). Anyways I killed them just as they hit me (only taking on one deatchclaw at a time) I was very nearly dead at the end of it and that includes using stempacks ect.
This has to be one of my most fun parts ive played and I loved it. Somehow I can imagine if it had been a few years ago I would have given up with that part but the fact I had my sniper rifle and binoculars I love hunting things.
Just thought I would mention my little story as im sure most of you are fed up with seeing "glitch topics"