Not hardcoe enough for OWB :*(

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:07 pm

Well its always depressing to learn just how Unhardcoe one is, and I learned it... hard. I struggled through DM, but I finally made it. OWB however stumped me.

I went in the first time with a light load just 80 pounds at lvl 34. Light armor, a sniper rifle, a pistol, and only 100 rounds for each. I enjoy being forced to rely upon what the DLC gives me. After I four encounters I was out of ammo, and The Sink did not sell enough to keep me stocked. Not only that but the ammo the Lobbo's packed would not even dint the robo-thingies.

After much hair pulling I went in loaded for bear. I even took a swig of booze so I could pack an extra 10 pounds of ammo... I still did not get half way through the DLC before noticing I did not have enough.

So now I am on attempt # 3 non hardcoe mode. With enough ammo to restock the gun-runners for years. I am sure I have it this time, but I died a little inside (just a little).

Just wondering has it given anyone else trouble, or am I doing something wrong? It would not be the first time I missed a glaringly obvious 'easy' path, and banged my head into a wall for nothing.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:18 am

I came in with thousands of rounds, and came out with almost nothing. Towards the end of the DLC my Guns character was stuck using Elijah's LAER, due to lack of ammo. I found that you just need to conserve, scavenge, and use melee weapons whenever possible.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:19 pm

I went in with the BAR and 700 rounds of .308 and my AMR with 300 rounds of mixed .50 ammo (wish I had taken more incendiary). I used my AMR sparingly and with limited purchases and reloading, it lasted the whole time. The BAR, though, didn't last. I also had to resort to melee and the LAER.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:08 pm

i had thousands of .308 (from dead money) and this machines I think I used like half my ammo so a little over 1 thousand rounds total, but sometimes i found it easy to just run if roboscorpians were outside the front door of whichever lab i was in to conserve ammo.
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The Time Car
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:20 am

Melee saved my strictly guns character! I have no problem resorting to unconventional means to kill, but the scarcity of ammo was a bit scary. Melee and Unarmed users rejoice!
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:29 am

As an Energy Weapons user, I went in with thousands and of energy cells, microfusion cells, and electron charge packs. And I came out with... more than I went in with, probably. Everyone kept giving me more energy weapon ammo, or depleted ammo which I could then recycle, for every little thing. It was like it was Christmas for Energy Weapon users or something. Hooray!

But, uh, thanks to my LAER breaking down every minute or two I was constantly scrounging for wrenches and such to make more Weapon Repair Kits with. So I feel your pain.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:59 am

Well its always depressing to learn just how Unhardcoe one is, and I learned it... hard. I struggled through DM, but I finally made it. OWB however stumped me.

I went in the first time with a light load just 80 pounds at lvl 34. Light armor, a sniper rifle, a pistol, and only 100 rounds for each. I enjoy being forced to rely upon what the DLC gives me. After I four encounters I was out of ammo, and The Sink did not sell enough to keep me stocked. Not only that but the ammo the Lobbo's packed would not even dint the robo-thingies.

After much hair pulling I went in loaded for bear. I even took a swig of booze so I could pack an extra 10 pounds of ammo... I still did not get half way through the DLC before noticing I did not have enough.

So now I am on attempt # 3 non hardcoe mode. With enough ammo to restock the gun-runners for years. I am sure I have it this time, but I died a little inside (just a little).

Just wondering has it given anyone else trouble, or am I doing something wrong? It would not be the first time I missed a glaringly obvious 'easy' path, and banged my head into a wall for nothing.

I had the exact same problem when I first went into OWB. Helpful folks around here suggested using the Proton Axe.

It was the best advice I have ever received for a video game, so I'm passing it on:

Get a Proton Axe. Use it on everything. It will also be worth your while to get your Melee score up to 50. Once you find the Proton Inversal Axe, use that for the rest of the DLC. Ammo Retention + Conan = Happiness (in OWB).
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:10 am

It's moments like these I'm glad that I don't have hardcoe mode on. Came in with all the ammo money could buy and had only 64 pounds under my belt.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:07 am

I went in with about 2200 rounds for my Survivalist Rifle, and even after using it almost exclusively I still walked out with about 1400 rounds left.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:15 am

it gets even harder when you go in at level 4 on a new character. I did and when I went outside i received threat from everything withing 300 yards, I had to turn the gameplay to very easy just to survive, and even then my ammo became depleted.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:07 am

Use a proton inversal axe. Hell, I didn't stop using it after I finished the DLC and went back to the Mojave. Beast melee weapon.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:49 pm

Use unarmed combat. Worked well for me.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:12 am

I was playing hardcoe Normal. I'd say the Robot Scorpions are just as bullet spongy as the Albino Radcorpions from FO3 Broken Steel only more dangerous thanks to the tail lasers and their tendency to spawn practically right on top of you when you exit a quest related location. O.o

I hauled most of my gear and ammo to the trash can in the drive-in and brought them over to the big mt at the start of the quest.

By the time I was done with OWB, all my 12 Gauge Buckshot shells and Magnums were spent rapid firing them from my riot shotgun (have both shotgun perks and they seemed the most effective vs the roboscorps).

Then I used up all my .223, Surplus 5.56 and 5.56 AP from my LMG+ Not quite as efficient as the Riot Shotgun w/ perks but I had plenty of ammo to burn through, or at least I did before this DLC. I still had some regular 5.56 left for my All-American and LMG+.

I also packed the pulse gun and all my surplus EC ammo but I was getting rocked by the robot scorpions with the "charge up" in between shots. It took around 5 shots of the pulse gun at 5 cells per shot vs a roboscorpoion in Normal difficulty. I had lots of surplus EC rounds (like 3000+) but they were heavy compare to conventional rounds.

I was going to switch to the LAER+ as a backup, but thankfully I reached the end of the DLC quest line...
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:40 pm

This is why I use unarmed/melee
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:47 pm

Wow, I had no ammo issues at all!
I went in at level 38 for my first OWB playthrough.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:12 pm

a good option would be to bring any kind of weapon with a high base damage (forget the DPS stat) and eventually a good crit multiplier.
The Brush Gun is a good option against the Lobotomites and since they drop it often along with the ammo...
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:09 am

a good option would be to bring any kind of weapon with a high base damage (forget the DPS stat) and eventually a good crit multiplier.

That's why I took my AMR. It had the highest base damage I could get my hands on.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:15 am

i did the same thing op, going in at level 34, hardcoe, super light weight, thinking i'll get enough in the dlc to keep going. with only an AMR and a 45 pistol, wow, was i wrong. everything was chewing me up and lobotomites and robo scorpions just laughed at the AMR. i had to go proton axe and sonic emitter for a good 2/3 of the dlc. subsequent playthroughs have been much different. i've brought every weapon and round of ammo i had plus at least 100 repair kits. i guess the "easy path" you missed was not knowing (for 1st playthrough anyway) that you start in the sink, and can waddle into the dlc with 6000+ lbs of weight and you only have to walk a few steps to unload it all.
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Elena Alina
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:59 am

I had no problem on hardcoe mode using the holorifle, the sonic pistol and then the LAER. The difference seems to be whether you do a lot of reloading or not. I had the Vigilant Recycler perk and made heavy use of the Honest Hearts recipe for turning fission batteries into energy cells. I also loaded up on critical hit perks since the start of the game, and that probably helped too.

The Securitron Plant has a ton of fission batteries in it, by the way. I think I was able to make 300 to 400 energy cells from the fission batteries there alone. There's also a bunch of energy ammo in the elementary school facility "hidden" behind the energy fields.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:12 am

Proton Axe. I prefer ones of the Inverse variety, myself. I went in at level 5, on hard-core, and I'm at level 15. Couldn't be easier. Just melee vats the Lobotomites, save the pistol they give you strictly for things of the mechanical variety, and always use those chemistry sets. You can get 5 stims or some chems out of each one.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:37 am

Bring Lucky.

.357 is the only reliable ammo type you'll find there.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:21 am

I went in with about 300-400 microfusion cells and smaller amounts of other ammo. Used the Holorifle almost exclusively throughout OWB, and ended up with about 700 or so MF cells. Vigliant Recycler was a huge help, and there were tons of spent and new cells (and energy cells) all over the place. I did dial my difficulty back to Normal from Hard, though; I'm using Project Nevada, and the damage rebalancing it does just made the enemies too tough on Hard while nerfing the damage I could deal.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:21 am

I had the exact same problem when I first went into OWB. Helpful folks around here suggested using the Proton Axe.

It was the best advice I have ever received for a video game, so I'm passing it on:

Get a Proton Axe. Use it on everything. It will also be worth your while to get your Melee score up to 50. Once you find the Proton Inversal Axe, use that for the rest of the DLC. Ammo Retention + Conan = Happiness (in OWB).

This saved me. I played a lvl 40 character. Not on HC. But dear god everything soaked up bullets (and did lots of damage). Im glad I had a high melee.

it gets even harder when you go in at level 4 on a new character. I did and when I went outside i received threat from everything withing 300 yards, I had to turn the gameplay to very easy just to survive, and even then my ammo became depleted.

Damn, give me some tips. I want to do the dlc at a low level. Preferabley avoiding the last fight.

Proton Axe. I prefer ones of the Inverse variety, myself. I went in at level 5, on hard-core, and I'm at level 15. Couldn't be easier. Just melee vats the Lobotomites, save the pistol they give you strictly for things of the mechanical variety, and always use those chemistry sets. You can get 5 stims or some chems out of each one.

Why use vats ? Any other tips ?

Worst part about the dlc is the enemies spawning so close to me :/ (RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME) at my level, they had shishkebabs, hunting revolvers, brush guns and GAUSSS RIFLES!
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:08 pm

I suppose I had a slight advantage when I went in to OWB. I run mods that really up the damage of my weapons, so I didn't need as many bullets. The downside, though, is that it also really upped the damage of all of my enemies. It got brutal at times.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:59 pm

Bring Lucky.

.357 is the only reliable ammo type you'll find there.

And .44 too. Everything else you need to bring in yourself.

OWB was easy with my Tank due to Protonic Axe, not too difficult for my EW character due to LAER, and nightmare for my sneak character Due to higly armored roboscospions and lack of .50 and .308 ammo. The (.44) Desert Eagle was kept supplied, but it just lacked the punch to kill the scorpions.
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