I went in the first time with a light load just 80 pounds at lvl 34. Light armor, a sniper rifle, a pistol, and only 100 rounds for each. I enjoy being forced to rely upon what the DLC gives me. After I four encounters I was out of ammo, and The Sink did not sell enough to keep me stocked. Not only that but the ammo the Lobbo's packed would not even dint the robo-thingies.
After much hair pulling I went in loaded for bear. I even took a swig of booze so I could pack an extra 10 pounds of ammo... I still did not get half way through the DLC before noticing I did not have enough.
So now I am on attempt # 3 non hardcoe mode. With enough ammo to restock the gun-runners for years. I am sure I have it this time, but I died a little inside (just a little).
Just wondering has it given anyone else trouble, or am I doing something wrong? It would not be the first time I missed a glaringly obvious 'easy' path, and banged my head into a wall for nothing.