will you guys be upset when the blades of claymores are larger than surf boards?
thats the way i feel about the armour
For me it's not a question only of "size" (= larger than ...), it's a question of "relation" (body / skills vs. weight / difficulty / physics).
If the look (and feel) of the gear makes me think: "Yes, this guy / girl looks capable of wielding / wearing this - even if enabled through visble magic (although it's high-fantasy, or whatever) - it's o.k. But if the design / look / feel is that much over the top - or the magic isn't visible enough (like in many JRPGs), that I have to think of some childish asian TV-series - it's not what I want to play. :nope:
And your thread / posts maintains, that the latter would be the case (because of some screens ! :rolleyes: ) - And that's simply
not true - at least in my opinion / impression.