I'm almost positive Todd Howard called TES high fantasy in one of the recent video interviews. I remember when he said it making a mental note about it.
I beg to differ.
I think Tood mentioned his preference for Western Low Fantasy as opposed to Japanese High Fantasy RPGs, at the very least implying he deems TES series a Western Low Fantasy RPG franchise. And I'd agree.
Gameinformer feature, if memory serves me well.
Todd Howard: No, not at all. I think when people see a mushroom they go, “Morrowind!” It’s more doing high fantasy, so Morrowind is more high fantasy. The idea with doing an expansion pack is that people have seen that, and with an expansion pack you can do something to visually set it apart. Instantly, even in one screenshot, it’s like, “That’s different.” We wanted to go more high fantasy—that’s really where the look comes from.
At the end of the day, it's semantics. TES is TES, call it high or low or whatever, they aren't conforming to any specific limitations. They're doing what they want.