Nah, the Empire's still got High Rock.
There is dialogue between Galmar and Ulfric that indicates that. Something to do with why they probably wouldn't help with the civil war.
One only intervenes in personal matters when asked.
Nah, the Empire's still got High Rock.
There is dialogue between Galmar and Ulfric that indicates that. Something to do with why they probably wouldn't help with the civil war.
One only intervenes in personal matters when asked.
Yup. I have no real love for the Empire, I just think killing useful soldiers in the quest for total autonomous rule is foolish in the current circumstances. That's all.
Well, uniting against the Thalmor is all well and good, but uniting under Imperial leadership against the Thalmor seem like a very bad idea at this point. Just saying, they let two cities within Cyrodiil fall or break out in violence and now
Not liking the odds of Imperial leadership here.
even so, Skyrim and the other provinces were their own provinces except for being "protected" by the Empire. That is all it is: accept another lord's laws in exchange for protection, no matter how stupid those laws are.
Maybe, maybe not. Oblivion signalled the end of the the divine status, and the Empire we knew and loved for all intents and purposes died. This Mede Empire holding down the fort appears to be dying as well. It's truly hard to say. The TES series future has never really been so up in the air.
I dont think it should die, the Mede family is likley gone now anyway. now all you need is someone good enough to sit on top and everyone will be happy, well almost.. but the empire should remain in cyordiil.
Yeah.. sadly the empire will probably always be there :/.. Hope bethesda tries something new with the next game
And when the time comes and the leaders of that Empire show you no reason to think they can protect you any better than you can yourself, you tell them to rot in Oblivion and take their "protection" somewhere else. Simple math, really.
Well, they are not giivng us much reason to think they won't. If you think Ulfric's actions are bad an unwarranted, you kinda have to multiply it for the DB thing. Bad time for that to happen and risk the stability of the Imperial leadership.
As Sybille Stentor says, many Nords are part of the Imperial army even now. Waging war against them only decreases Skyrim's defenses.
The Empire has become a part of Imperial Culture and to an extent Nordic as well. Even with the Divine cut off it will go on in one way or another. It may go away for a while but it will return. Empires is almost all the cultures of TES series knows. Things could change but i doubt it... if you think about it so many political states rely so much on divine aid, it's almost kind of sad. I welcome an Empire that con succeed by the strength of their own backs.
I don't think thats a bad thing. It would be nice to see like a three way power struggle. The Empire, the Dominion and like a coalition of like Reguards and gods forbid an independent Skyrim.
Not rebelling, I'm pretty sure. A major factor in the rebellion is that they see the imperials as too weak to rule them, after the WGC. Since it was almost identical to the original ultimatum, the Empire had its land burned, renounced a province and suffered major losses to the Legions for absolutely no reason, knowing that they had greatly weakened military might compared to earlier times. Best case scenario they underestimated the Dominion. Worst case scenario, they did it all to save face.
Both. Well they did strait up deny the Dominion at first so that clearly indicates they underestimated them. They took the second offer to save face which was the smart move to make.
And the Empire's legions are "strength in numbers" and stormcloaks are "strength of individual". At least, that is how I see it.
Assuming Ulfric isn't right when he says that Skyrim will, but that is besides the point.
If they are to lead the fight, maybe they should take more steps in keeping their alliances, instead of straining the relationship with their most important province even more? I mean, assuming they win the civil war, they're still very likely to leave deep scars between the Nords and Imperials. Not good for the longrun.
And you base this on? I mean, the Redguards got a much better treaty on their own. At the time it made sense, but when the Dominion left Hammerfell, maybe the Empire should go "We're going back to the negotiating table for this one". Face it, the imperial leadership messed up badly, and I don't think it is a good idea to let people with their trackrecord be in charge of the next war.
The Legion has been dependent on their Strong-Arm, which would be fielding armies of their own if they break away. I'm sure Skyrim can build a good army, with or without the Empire, when that is a high priority of the leaders of the nation.
They were asked. At least by SCs. I really doubt Tullius didn't ask since High Rock is the only place he can receive help since the Pale Pass was blocked off.
They don't need the Empire for that. Look at recent history in real life. One does not need an Empire to fight with joined armies.