The point is it could happen they've set it up so that they can use it the future if they decide to whether they do that or not is obviously unknowable right now. But there does seem to be a trend of all the provinces declining in power and prosperity in the last 200+ years.
Cyrodill ravaged by the oblivion crisis, civil war, great war and yet another civil war , Skyrim losing one of it's oldest cities in the great collapse and then being ravaged by the civil war. Morrowind almost wiped off the map by the eruption of Redmountian and then further destroyed by the Argonians. Hammerfall ravaged by the Great war although besides Black Marsh and Highrock they seem to be doing rather well still. Not much information on Elsweyr besides being split into two kingdoms, the void nights and becoming part of the Dominion, and Valenwood is also a mystery short of being brought into the Dominion by a coup and the purges carried out by the Thalmer and the deactivation of it's tower. Alinor ravaged by the Obilivion crisis and Crystal-like-law destroyed and the Thalmor taking over, purges and then the great war.
The only province that is practically untouched so far is Black Marsh. Highrock is pretty much an Enigma other than being on dubious terms with the empire and wayrest being captured by Corsairs.
But out of the Major Power Blocks the Dominion is still more stable than the Empire for the time being that probably wont last of course.