If anything, you're just the Dominion.
This is a legitimate question and not a troll thread or anything. If people can be mature and debate without swearing or too much anger then everything should be fine.
The Empire still holds Cyrodiil, western Skyrim and High Rock, so I'd say Empire is not a wrong use of the word. It is just greatly diminished from where it was.
No it's not really an Empire no, I'd call them the Cyrodilics now.
But they don't control High rock in reality and assuming they lose the Civil war they have nothing.
That is assuming the Stormcloaks win, which is an unknown at the moment. Should they lose High Rock and Skyrim, the name "Imperial" start to seem a bit pretentious(like it isn't already), and they'd likely go back to use "Cyrodiils" or "Cyrodilics". Or not. They might still run Cyrodiil with an Emperor, making it by definition an Empire. It wouldn't be an Imperium anymore though.
This. And we should just leave it at that before "Lawl civl warz rant".
Also, why do you say "you guys"? Who are you talking? Is there someone behind me?
I think its telling that High Rock was looked at for support by Ulfric. That means they have soldiers separate from the legion to give, or perhaps they control their own legion, and they also aren't supporting the Empire with the civil war. Which is also telling.
High Rock never denounced itself from the Empire. For all intents and purposes, they still are.
Well, I'm pretty anti-Empire, but I still gave a neutral answer to the question. Must have put them off a little
It still is. It's just no longer divinely backed and is dying.
I hope it dies. WGC or no, it's getting boring anyway.
No, just felt too corny to call people on the forums Imperials.
Yes. As I understand it, Empire and Kingdom can be used interchangeably in some contexts(like King and Emperor). Cyrodiil being a single kingdom ruled by an Emperor would be one of them.
Edit: I could be mixing up some words here, as english is not my first language, but the essential point is there.
TBH, the "empire" was just the name for a military occupation/ military protection. All provinces were allowed to rule themselves, as long as they did not try to harm the sanctity of that protection/occupation.
All empires die eventually..... Both fictional and historical ones.
As far as Tamriel's Empire is concerned though, I'd have to agree with Shadow Titan: Men NEED the unity of the Empire at the moment if they're to withstand the threat the Thalmor pose. Id the human provinces are left utterly divided they become easy prey for the Thamor to pick off one at a time.
(Edit: Why do I never see typos until after clicking on the "submit" button?????)
The Empire and The Elder Scrolls series go hand in hand, it's not going anywhere. It's almost always been there despite all its uphill and downhill events. It may change Emperors and provinces every so often but the Empire itself isn't going anywhere. I feel the next game will revolve heavily around the Dominion/Thalmor and with them you will surely have the Empire involved in one way or another. The Empire is still very much around and will continue to be like it or not.