- For instance, say you have a Smithing level of 45 (with Dwarven Smithing perk), and pieces of Elven and Dwarven equipment you want to improve. With appropriate supplies, you would improve the Dwarven to Exquisite, but the Elven only to Superior.
- Smithing skills higher than 100 can be attained using "http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Fortify_Smithing" equipment and potions, thus allowing any item to be made Epic or Legendary.
- Quality levels continue past Legendary, although the displayed quality will not reflect that. Each new level increases armor ratings by 3.6 and weapon ratings by 1.8, resulting in an increase of about +0.1 per effective skill point for armor, and +0.05 for other items.
- Unlike enchanting, the same improved weapon/armor can be improved again if skill increases (by improving the skill, using enchanted items and potions).
The rating bonus provided from a given quality Q (where 1, 2, 3, ... = Fine, Superior, Exquisite, ...) equals 3.6Q ? 0.8, rounded down (we think; additional testing is needed). Non-"Armor" items (weapons, shields, boots, and other secondary armor) receive half the bonus.
The quality crafted at a given skill level equals (effective skill + 38) × 3/103, rounded down, where effective skill in turn equals
base skill ? 13.29)(1 +
perk)(1 + Σ
enchantments)(1 + Σ
potions) + 13.29,
where perk is 1 if you have the relevant Smithing perk and 0 otherwise, Σenchantments equals the sum of your Fortify Smithing enchantments divided by 100, and Σpotions equals the sum of your Fortify Smithing potions divided by 100 (e.g. 20% increase → 0.2 in the formula).
With a base skill of 100, the relevant perk, four 29% enchantments, and a 130% potion, one's effective skill equals 874.84, which yields a bonus of +92 to armor and +46 to other items (Legendary 26).