Well, it depends on the game, really.
I am going to wait for more reviews (especially from Gameinformer and other places who decide to wait for the patch before deciding---for which I thank you very much, GI and others!)
before deciding.
I also look at BOTH the positives and negatives when reading a review and take that into consideration.
Lately, with games being more costly than ever, I also keep my eye on Metacritic.
If a game has more positive than negatives, then I think the game could potentially be worth my time.
Notice that I said, POTENTIALLY, since not all games that good reviews are going to be my cup of tea. Ex: God of War, Heavenly Sword, Silent Hill games, Ninja Gaiden, etc.
Plus, there are some niche games that I like that have 6-7/10 reviews----the Harvest Moon games (which I LOVE LOVE LOVE and buy
most of those and keep looking for the new one in the series) are great example of this.
My sister loved Custom Robo on GameCube which got, like 65 on Metacritic.
There are also "casual" games that my family love that get average reviews, too, sooo.......(Then again, we usually buy things cheaper or pre-owned.)
So far, on Metacritic, Brink--the Xbox360 one (which, I might add, still needs a patch or something)
since PSN is down for the PS3, of course, lol----13 Positive, 4 Mixed and 2 Negatives. So far, so good.... ^_^
I know GameRadar's pretty good as well as Eurogamer (I use those to check for reviews from time to time).
Waiting for Gameinformer and maybe Gamespot (which is a pretty harsh site, let me tell you, so if it gets anything above a 6, it should be pretty good), and maybe Gamespy, too.
I need more data and impressions and thinking about things.

It's still early at this point.
There are some games that get negatives and mixed reviews, but then later get some more positive reviews, so it's too early for me to tell. Maybe Brink will end up being a niche
game or will get better with DLC's and patches? Who knows?
Then, once I look at the overall scores, I would look at the negatives/issues/concerns all of the reviewers have and then make an educated decision from there to decide if this game overcomes its shortcomings and is worth playing for fun.
I always ask myself, "Now that I know what I'm getting into, do I think this game looks fun---despite its flaws?" :yes: