not a troll thread. why new vega sis a better game than skyr

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:11 am

How many of these threads are we going to see around here? Plus, I still think that these games can't be compared... at all (although, I must say, I haven't touched Skyrim, since I discovered the Fallout universe LOL) ;)
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:49 am

Our game is better because it actually has a plot.

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Rachie Stout
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:19 am

Our game is better because it actually has a plot.


True enough, but that's not the whole story...

Sure, the New Vegas story, from the faction politics of the Mojave, to the carefully interwoven DLC is fantastic. Seriously, I can't stress that enough. Skyrim could have done a similar thing with the civil war, making that the centrepiece of the game. But it didn't happen, instead we just got dragons to kill. And the fact that once you complete it, nothing actually changes, since dragons keep appearing.

However, a game is more than just a story, and this is where New Vegas also excels. Even with a limited story, people will still play it if its fun to play. Fallout 3 is still going strong even now. But the amazing thing with Skyrim, at least for me, is that with literally hundreds of different locations, weapons, NPCs, quests, misc items, they still managed to make the game repetitive. With all that variation packed into the game, its actually quite an achievement. Many quests consists of - talk to NPC, visit dungeon and kill/collect, return to NPC for reward. Though its lovely to look at (and listen to), Skyrim just struggles to keep the brain cells ticking over long enough.

I wish it weren't the case, since I really wanted to love Skyrim more. But what someone (I forget who exactly) posted here is true - oceans of content, but the water is only ankle deep. And its a shame.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:22 am

NV is no way better than Skyrim. In fact none of the previous Bethesda game or an other rpg game for that matter is better than Skyrim
Bias bias bias bias bias?

I gave Skyrim a try. About 163 hours of it, which is good, but after I finally finished all of the Guild quest-lines, civil war, and main questline, I felt no replay-ability from Skyrim and went back to New Vegas, in which I level new characters OVER and OVER again.

I cracked up here. But aside from beautiful scenery, does Skyrim have anything that sets it apart from other generic Medieval RPGs? (Not asking in rudeness or trolling, but I was considering getting Skyrim to try it out.)

True. I agree Fallout 3's world travel is top notch, but to be honest, New Vegas has the problem of 'Rich detail in a location' and 'Nothing here' locations. While the exploration isnt as....absorbing as 3, it's still very beautiful. The world was still vastly enjoyable. Could it have had more work? Sure, but given Bethesda pressured them into a particulare release date, I'd say they did very well.

Fallout 3's exploration was much better than New Vegas' until Lonesome Road and Dead Money were released. Hell, I even downloaded a mod so I could go back to the Sierra Madre and continue exploring. Not to mention I still go to the Divide and find new stuff all the time. I'd say, including every DLC, they're about even in exploration terms. That's my opinion.

Skyrim is quite similar to Oblivion, just with better graphics, changed engine (I'm not fond of it), and a mediocre main quest-line IMHO.

I took a break from WoW (World of Warcraft) to play Skyrim, but I've gone back to WoW in addition to New Vegas. People can hate on WoW all they like, but I think it's actually really fun.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:06 am

I took a break from WoW (World of Warcraft) to play Skyrim, but I've gone back to WoW in addition to New Vegas. People can hate on WoW all they like, but I think it's actually really fun.
I took a break from WoW after Cataclysm. Never went back. It did provide me with some good times but I can't love it like I used to. It started to feel like a chore and it lost it's sense of community.

I gave Skyrim a try. And at first I loved it! Loved it so much that I got all my friends to play it too. We talked a lot about the game around the time that it first came out. After a while we all agreed that it got boring and stopped playing it. I guess I expected more from the game. I was this chosen one dragon killing beast that apparently had no impact on the world. That really made me mad.

I'll take New Vegas' speech system where I could convince enemies to lay down their gun (or sword) than the horrible system Skyrim had of persuade, intimidate or bribe.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:32 pm

>not a troll thread
>unreadable text

Seems legit
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:21 am

I took a break from WoW after Cataclysm. Never went back. It did provide me with some good times but I can't love it like I used to. It started to feel like a chore and it lost it's sense of community.

I gave Skyrim a try. And at first I loved it! Loved it so much that I got all my friends to play it too. We talked a lot about the game around the time that it first came out. After a while we all agreed that it got boring and stopped playing it. I guess I expected more from the game. I was this chosen one dragon killing beast that apparently had no impact on the world. That really made me mad.

I'll take New Vegas' speech system where I could convince enemies to lay down their gun (or sword) than the horrible system Skyrim had of persuade, intimidate or bribe.

QFT! (except the WoW bit, never played it. Don't like the graphics. I played Age of Conan and Rift, although the Guild bickering started to get on my nerves and I was glad when Skyrim first came out lol I needed an MMO break)
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