Oh well that's been evident for some time now.
They can just stay in the general section.
Oh well that's been evident for some time now.
They can just stay in the general section.
Considering the Administrator is posting as well as the general forum, I'd say so.
So many of you folks support the merging of these planes...but when a Daedric prince tries to do the same with nirn ITS THE END OF THE WORLD. god some people.
Well, considering it is the King of [censored] doing the plane melding.... yes, it kinda is. I prefer to not be violated on a regular basis if it's all the same to you.
Questions will promptly get lost in 5 odd pages of threads a day.
Well, my dear. We must strive to help out a little quicker.
Merging forums means that Skyrim definitively belongs to the past.
On the other hand the forums are inevitably going to slow down from here on out. And the instant a Fallout 4 forum is opened there will be a mass migration out of here.
Me still playing it along with others says otherwise. It belongs in the past when you personally decide it does. If this for you means now, then so be it. Not for me though.
We are set aside on these forums, that's it. I suppose I should precise that I'm still playing it of course and I will for a long time; it won't change anything to the fact that It belongs to the past though, whether we want it or not.
Gonna need board room eventually anyway for TES VI.
TES VI? If there is one, it's not for tomorrow!
They didnt keep the SI boards around for long either, and that was way before Skyrim was announced. *shrugs*
Going to need to sharpen my skills...
Not that big of a deal really, that's why there's spoiler tags........
Enforcing the use of them will be a pain though and as been said when in doubt post in the spoilers section itself. It should be no different then it was before the DLC started to roll out, try your best to NOT give away important info.
They're gonna go with Fallout 4 first. There are not even remote chances go have TES VI before Q4 2017, and Beth tends to announce its games a year or so before release. No TES 6 this year, I'll bet my... I'll bet $2 on it.
This is where I'm at. And like Pseron Wyrd said, things are going to progressively slow down, or is that depressingly... I mean regressively slow down.
Cool, thought I was going nuts for a minute there.
So that's what happened? I prefer it merged -- those other sections weren't seeing nearly as much use as when they were originally created.
I was wondering when they would get merged. The New Vegas DLC boards didn't last long after LR came out, IIRC. Merging them (Skyrim DLC forums) with the release of the Legendary Edition is good timing IMO.
There will be many players joining and discussing the topics, and most will be playing different versions of content and even machine. Perhaps it would be helpful if posters would identify their content and game version at the start. Or there will be many players commenting at crossed purposes
I'm not even on legendary, let alone patched to the latest, and not even DLCed...... But Vanilla, ask me anything.