Post » Fri Aug 12, 2011 12:23 am

I seem to remember a bethesda representative posting a message about how the ps3 bugs were going to be fixed with a patch. Well I got that patch and nothing has been fixed. Honest Hearts went surprisingly well, but now I am playing Old World Blues and its almost unplayable. I can play for about 30-45 minutes until it freezes and i have to restart my console. Sometimes it happens as fast as 5 minutes into playing the game. Something that has been present since buying FNV for the first time is the inconsistent frame-rate. It typically will 'stutter' every few minutes. Also something that seems to have arisen AFTER installing the new DLC's and the patch is that about 9 times out of ten VATS will malfunction in a way which leaves my character pointing his weapon at the sky - standing and doing nothing - while the enemy is free to beat him to death or take their time pumping rounds into him. If anyone reading this is planning to buy the game for Ps3, I whole-heartedly advise against it. You will probably encounter the same problems I have. The only reason I am still playing this is because of my devotion to the fallout series, something bethesda seems to have used as an excuse to sell shoddy workmanship to die-hard fans. This is in no way a request for bethesda to actually make a patch that fixes these problems, as by now, I know all too well that you are too incompetent, and any effort to salvage this gaming experience is futile.
I just needed to vent :gun:
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