I'm back in Morrowind again. Woohoo. I was just wondering if any of the talented clothing modders here could whip up something to add to their latest mod or for a stand alone release.
The clothing in question ishttp://cirquetribune.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=5831&fullsize=1. The costume is for the leading female singer in Cirque du Soleil's ZED, and was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen in person. Other angles are http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b244/SamBoyd/nouit.jpg?t=1277286159 here, and http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs162.snc1/6052_142697176163_41326571163_3345915_4409392_n.jpg where Johanna is standing up. I have a much bigger picture of the first one if needed.
I'm unsure if the total gown would be possible. I'd be thrilled for anyone to give it a go, or just come up with an 'inspired by' dress with the colour and design. Anything would be greatly appreciated! =D