Potions are 20% stronger. (this one has 5 ranks?)
Potions for restore Health, Magicka and Stamina are 25% stronger.
Poisons are 25% more effective
20% less chance of being detected. again 5 ranks!?
There are many more skills where the first perk has FIVE ranks and all it does is a simple +% of effectiveness. Two handed, heavy armor, block etc. and many more perks where they are deeper in the tree and do the same thing.
Way to many ranks spent increasing the effectiveness! should be 3 ranks max in my opinion. Each one does 33% increase effectiveness. And thats only if the +% effectiveness type perks are needed.
Even the World of Warcraft developers from Blizzard, who use that system and have around 12 million subscribers to their game (im not one), have said that those types of talents are lame and they want to move as far from it as they can. They say that it is a boring system, and i agree with them.
The other worry is that the perks will be needed for your character to be effective in those skills. What use is a level 100 blacksmith if he has no perks? he can only use Iron materials even at skill level 100?
We will have to see how it plays out but if you think that the perks look impressive i would be of the opinion that you are kidding yourself.