It's called crafting more unique playthroughs. The word "concerned" has become such a cliche here anymore.
Anyone with an ounce of imagination and thought can craft a unique playthrough on there own. If the leveling methodology of Skyrim really does remove nearly all of the benefits that came with leveling in previous games and redesignate them as perks, then it becomes more a matter of purposely handicapping players than anything else. Not everyone wants to play as 99 different characters. Many people like to play as one or two characters over a very long span of time.
Saying that increasingly handicapping players simply offers more versatiltiy to playstyle borders on the inane. Follwing that train of thought, the devs could exponentially "increase" the number of "unique" playstyles by making it impossible for players to use more than one school of magic per character, or impossible for a character with more than level 25 in blade to learn any spells or vice versa, or by making it impossible to have a high stealth and a high armour level simultaneously. In theory you could have at least 18 VERY distinct character builds. . . except, of course, as the truly detail attentive will understand, that actually offers you FAR less unique build options than if you are able to have any one of the 18, but also to mix and match any number of those 18 as the player sees fit.