I'm a complete novice in Multi Player Games, and I'm posting my question here after I searched the answer everywhere possible and I couldn't find it, so please be indulgent with me, and don't answer to me a way like if the answer was obvious and that I was a dummy not to understand it by myself, what you're all used to is really not obvious to me.
So thank you in advance for your understanding and indulgence, and to explain to me things by beginning with the basics that any novice should understand first before going to more complex notions.
I'm already used to First Person Shooter (FPS) games, but I always focused on the same 3 video games franchises:
- Unreal Tournament
- Call of Duty Modern Warfare
- Crysis
I always played to all of these games only in Solo Campaign, never in Multi Player Mode.
I acquired recently Crysis 2 Limited Edition.
I already played to the Solo Campaign and finished it.
I created my profile.
I entered my redeemer code.
Once Crysis 2 launched, I could log my profile on, and I went on the Multi Player mode.
I clicked on "Join Game", and in the servers browser, absolutely no server appears in the list, the browser is empty.
There is no filter, it's parametered to find any existing server.
I refreshed it many times, and I exit and re-launched Crysis 2 many times, at different dates.
And still no game server appears that I can select to join a game.
And I even did not find any option to host a game on my PC.
Then I went on Google to look for solutions.
I browsed the entire Crysis and gamesas websites, FAQs and various sections to find the information, but I didn't find anything.
Then in my desperation I don't see any other solution than to post in this forum my situation and to ask for someone's help.
So my question is:
How to join a Multi Player Game in Crysis 2 ?
I would be sincerely grateful to anyone who could help me, please, I really want to experience Crysis 2 Multi Player Game.
Thank you All in advance for your help and feedback.
Best regards,