now I am slightly depressed

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:56 pm

no where in the qoute you used shows me saying that all the perks would be available at level 1, so...?? but since you bring it up, how many perks will be available at the first level up, sure not all of them, its a perk tree after all. so the closer to the lower level a character the more likly it is that some one has the same exact perk selection as me. how does that add more options to be unique. the attributes system will influence your character from the begining and despite todd's weird spin speech about how before it was not possible to change the course of the progressions was, well. bizarre, if not false.

I think they're eyes just glaze over when they see the "spreadsheet" and then begin critisizing a system they never made the effort to understand, so it is logical that so many of these pro-slash the attributes people don't even realize how warped they sound when they say that attributes didn't affect any thing any ways. I'd say the issue with the "spreadsheet" was user error, not a problem with the system as it existed.

You really aren't very good at a constructive debate. Reply to this also please, I'd like to hear your opinion:


well thats true, my opinion is that there should be a challenge in rpgs, leveling minor skills to get proper attributes on level up is strategy. if thats lame so be it, its better than one long thoughtless game play.

the reward of getting better stats by leveling attributes is that you used your brain to make your character better. oposed to perks reducing the process to picking the reward without having to put much effort into earning it. its like paying some one to level your character for you and then bragging how great your character is, it may be a great character but you did not put the effort into it that equates to the reward.

Sorry how is it different leveling your sword in order to get better at using a sword with either system?? In one system you use your sword, raising the Blade skill, knowing full well that when you level up you will raise your strength so you do more damage with a sword. In the other system you use your sword knowing full well that you will pick a perk that will make you do do more damage with a sword. That perk may even have requirements, like being a certain level with one handed weapons, or having the previous perk relating to swords. This way you using your brain even more than in the other method, because in the other method using either a Blade or Blunt weapon (or indeed punching someone) would make you better with both Blade or Blunt weapons, and at punching people.

At lower levels you may get to start with the same perks, maybe similar. We don't know yet. You can't just shoot it down by saying that you will have less choice and the characters will be all similar, when you have absolutely no idea how many perks are available, what their requirements are, You don't even know enough of the perks to make any sort of conclusion. You're just missing huge steps in the logic and coming to the conclusion that there is less choice and every character will be similar.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 9:23 pm

And lets be honest here - Oblivion and Morrowind handled improving attributes badly. It encouraged 'efficient' leveling: Raising the right skills at the right time to get a x5 multiplier for attributes on the level up screen. And maybe dump a point on Luck.

It was in need of a change, one way or another.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:41 am

Requiring more player skill than build skill is losing the RPG elements. Your not role playing yourself, with your strengths and weaknesses regarding your own player skill playing, Its your characters skill.

And here, you see, is where the paradox lies. Truth is, TES is not really an RPG in the first place. You play/assuming a role within the game universe, yes, but the "your characters are the reflection of how you play them" philosophy is their ultimate aim since the beginning. Which contradicts the common denominator for RPGs in general. Or so I believe. The "real-time" combat indicates this.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:41 am

It would depend on if your in game character actually knew how to level efficiently on his own. If he didn't, then that would be meta gaming, but how would you know if he knew? Its all rather hypothetical.

No, "metagaming" is a term for when you (the player) play the rules of the game, not the game itself.

"Gaming the system" as it were.

So, yeah... stuff like tweaking your skills in Oblivion to work around the leveling system and take advantage of it's rules, in order to min/max? Pure metagaming.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:19 pm

Post limit.

This had a very rocky start and has required a lot of watching by the moderators - please don't make another.
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