Now I am slightly depressed, thread number 2.

Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:51 am

Let the skill/attribute discussion continue.


well thats true, my opinion is that there should be a challenge in rpgs, leveling minor skills to get proper attributes on level up is strategy. if thats lame so be it, its better than one long thoughtless game play.

the reward of getting better stats by leveling attributes is that you used your brain to make your character better. oposed to perks reducing the process to picking the reward without having to put much effort into earning it. its like paying some one to level your character for you and then bragging how great your character is, it may be a great character but you did not put the effort into it that equates to the reward.

Sorry how is it different leveling your sword in order to get better at using a sword with either system?? In one system you use your sword, raising the Blade skill, knowing full well that when you level up you will raise your strength so you do more damage with a sword. In the other system you use your sword knowing full well that you will pick a perk that will make you do do more damage with a sword. That perk may even have requirements, like being a certain level with one handed weapons, or having the previous perk relating to swords. This way you using your brain even more than in the other method, because in the other method using either a Blade or Blunt weapon (or indeed punching someone) would make you better with both Blade or Blunt weapons, and at punching people.

Someone reply to the above please?? :D
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Emily Graham
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:03 am

Well there is always a finite combination of character designs. However, perks with the three attributes we are keeping actually gives you more combinations. The total combinations for Skyrim were in the Septillions, Morrowind and Oblivion were in the billions. That is a major difference.

As for the perk system in Skyrim, sure you get to pick your perks but each perk can be leveled up also and also it is called a "perk tree" so we might not be able to choose some perks until we pick certain other perks first or get to a certain level.

If anything, that only increases the RPG elements. The point is to roleplay as your character. If your actually in control of your character instead of dice rolls, then YOU are actually roleplaying instead of the game. We still have our skills and our customization to make ourselves unique and give ourselves specialties that no one else will have, that is the true RPG elements and we have strengthened that more in Skyrim than ever before.

well the qoute you used pretty much explains why perks instead of Attributes will give LESS combinations. there are only some where around 200 perks, there are 8 attributes with a value between 1-100 which affects are magnified each time you gain a level. basic arthimatic shows that attributes will have many many more results. besides perks are not stats, their a game feature. some might give a finite boost to stats but its hardly dynamic. so any ways lets do that arithmatic. PERKS; 200 times 200 = 40,000. Attributes: 8 times 100= 800 then multiply by infinite leveling (since you can keep leveling up by going to jail and raising your reduced skills again) = infinite combinations. any ways.

Well - actually, that will harm them more, and I have no doubt that that's a good chunk of why the games change as they do.

If they make them less complex and more linear, then at least up to a point (which point they didn't reach with Oblivion, and are certainly hoping not to reach with Skyrim) the RPG nerds are going to buy the game anyway, just because it's something. The sugar-addled 12 year olds, on the other hand, are going to go, "Man... this game svcks!" and they and all their friends are going to go buy Call of Black Redemption Creed VII instead.

From a pure marketing perspective, Beth gains more by catering to the most casual players with the shortest attention spans, since they're the ones who are most likely to simply not buy the game if it's not exactly what they want.

that is contradictory, the game is better because they are catoring to the pointless shallow game play elements that will draw non rpg gamers away from COD? I think the quality of the game is greater if they don't pandor to a demographic that doesn't care about the system and just wants to "beat" the game.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 1:00 am

Attributes are now folded into skill perks AND health/magicka/stamina. Confirmed. By Pete. Good day.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:16 am

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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 7:23 pm

Did you read my close post from the last thread? No? Thought not.

I have just told another member that if you want to make a thread that is not associated with the previous one, you can do so but I would prefer to see non of the problems from there rearing their ugly heads. :)
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