» Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:12 pm
Best: Honest Hearts. Meeting Graham and the tribes and reading about The Survivalist and having to get my feet wet in the real day-to-day struggle to survive rather than the abstract nationalist conflict in the main game gave me a really good feeling. I love it.
Almost as good: Lonesome Road. A thrill ride from beginning to end, packed with almost as much human drama as HH, but way more high-intensity action and a lot of suspense and danger. This is the way a Fallout game, any Fallout game, should feel, at all times. Irrespective of HH's just making me feel good all over, this is probably the most fun I have ever had playing a video game. Ever. Nothing will pass this for the rest of my days.
Hilarious but over the top to the point of monotony: Old World Blues. Like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, this is good in small doses viewed once a year and will just become shrill and annoying if done regularly.
Boring Crap: Dead Money. They got the title right, at least. Everything else? Contrived low-level video game bull [censored].