» Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:16 pm
1) Skyrim
2) Morrowind
3) Oblivion
4) Daggerfall
never played the rest...
Despite the criticism (which happens everytime a new TES game comes out, (Morrowind got the same treatment when it came out, people have short memories), Skyrim is an awesome, epic game. It is full of incredible, non-scripted events that really make the game shine. Examples:
I'm fighting some bandits outside of town, one of the nearby townspeople comes to "help" me take them out with a dagger. This farmer gets slaughtered, but I finish off the bandits. Due to the battle, the town guard comes running over (a little too late), and start asking what happened, and I get friggin' questioned about the dead farmer!! Framed!! Being a rogue character, I just take off running, hoping everything works itself out.
Another example, I get attacked by a dragon in the middle of a town. The guards, and some citizens, come to my aid. Other town residents go running for their lives. The dragon makes short work of a few guards, throwing them around like ragdolls while I pump it full of arrows. The dragon finally dies, and I absorb its soul. The remaining townspeople crowd around the bones of the dragon, talking amongst themselves "what is that?" "the rumors are true, dragons have returned!" etc.
I've never had moments like this in any game before, let alone any TES game.
Oblivion was, and still is beautiful, but I didn't care for the way the story was implemented. There was no sense of "urgency" or "doom" that should have accompanied a full-on daedric invasion. The oblivion gate mechanic was neat at first, but got boring really quick.
Morrowind was a lot of fun, but the combat was really wonky, and the game ended up being way too easy after your character was past a certain level. The best part of Morrowind was the exploration and the lore.
Daggerfall had a lot of character customization, but the game got repetitive really quick, for me at least. A lot of the dungeons and towns just ended up looking the same after a while.