So now that we experienced Skyrim what's your favorite Elder

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:08 am

Most of the voters are from the "wider audience". The "wider audience" wouldn't enjoy the first three games, so Skyrim and Oblivion would win by default.

Why don't you take your elitist attitude and go somewhere else?
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Cody Banks
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:04 pm

Well I chose Skyrim because I have only played Skyrim and oblivion and, let's be honest, Oblivion doesn't hold a torch to Skyrim (except more stats). When the alure of Skyrim starts to fade I'll pick up Morrowind since I have heard only good things about it.

I wouldn't bother, it's like playing the original Deus Ex now; it's good, but you'll never enjoy it as much as people did at the time because it looks godawful and doesn't have most of the new shiny features you're used to.

Most morrowind love is nostalgia, the rest are playing modded games.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:46 pm

This poll is kind of pointless unless each person has played every game in the series, or at least over half of them. It's pretty apparent that many people came on board with Oblivion and many more just recently with Skyrim.

It's like asking what your favorite flavor is between chocolate, vanilla and strawberry, when all you've ever tried is chocolate.
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phillip crookes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:39 pm

skyrim cause you can roleplay a hunter in the wilderness, in oblivion u couldnt really, morrowind was too ugly to be bearable never played the others.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:47 am

skyrim cause you can roleplay a hunter in the wilderness, in oblivion u couldnt really, morrowind was too ugly to be bearable never played the others.

That's what mods are for. Morrowind is very ugly for today's standards on a grapical level, but it had some amazing atmosphere and some really bizarre creature designs. There are plenty of graphical overhaul mods that make Morrowind look as good, (if not better) technically as default Skyrim. The worst part about Morrowind is the combat, which svcks, but the only thing that has actually improved since then is Archery. Everything else may as well be the same.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:57 pm

Yes, because immersion and detail totally isn't "depth". Skyrim is a much more detailed world, from the actual environments themselves, to the events that happen throughout the world, both in cities as well as outside of it.

And it has just as much choice as Morrowind. Let's not be blind here and act like Morrowind was some "Choose Your Own Adventure" book. Morrowind has no more "choice" to it than Skyrim.

Immersion and detail may be one aspect of depth, yes. And I do think Skyrim has excelled here, as it's one of it's best qualities. However, and I suppose I should have been more clear, I meant depth and choice in relation to game mechanics, of which Skyrim has been stripped down. There's really no denying that.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 pm

Morrowind - Great story, Bad gameplay

Skyrim - Bad story, Great gameplay

Oblivion - Good story, Good gameplay

Oblivion gets my vote.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:24 pm

1. Morrowind
2. Daggerfall
3. Arena
4. Oblivion
5. Skyrim

Arena, Daggerfall, AND Oblivion...? Better than Skyrim...? :rofl:

Either you are some PC Extremist (Above Elitism) who is ULTRA butthurt with the direction Bethesda took with Skyrim, or you're trolling. I'll go with trolling until I hear a response.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:17 am

I like them all equally.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:41 pm

It has to be Skyrim for me, because you can play a hunter in the wilderness. If you don't want that, you can play a hunter in the wilderness. And if you want a completely different RPG-experience you can play a hunter in the wilderness. I like to have options.
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:21 pm

I have only played three and so far in order...


Now if they could just take the best bits out all three and make TES 6 awesome... :trophy:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:19 pm

(Big gap)

Best to worst.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:30 pm

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Lauren Graves
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 pm

1. Skyrim
2. Oblivion
3. Morrowind
Never played any other.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:55 am

Still Morrowind...
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Maya Maya
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:47 pm

hard to say i love them all and as someone put it they tend to piss me off equally although idk actually id say the shivering isles an expansion it may be was probally my favorite it had alot of charachter to it and made what was fun about oblvion even better i havent played skyrim to rank it yet and i loved morrowind for the time at least (still a great main story ) :intergalactic:

I actually agree with the SI as an expansion. Tbf, I loved Oblivion and I LOVE Skyrim so far. I'm only 20 hours in, but it's amazing . SI was incredible in how unique and off the wall it was.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:27 pm

This is a really hard question actually. My heart says Morrowind, but i have to be really fair here. Morrowind will always hold a very, very special place in my heart. I always liked fantasy and RPG's (mostly the standards: Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1 & 2) but i never experienced anything like Morrowind. Visited a friend′s house who had it and i was amazed. I also got it, installed it, failed miserably and didn′t touch it for quite a while. About half a year later i installed it again and it has been one of the most memorable and fascinating gaming experiences i′ve ever had. And Bloodmoon, and Tribunal, and then mods, owh my the mods.

I think my heart is biased because of nostalgia and impressions that were, at that time, completely new and groundbreaking. I didn′t have that same feeling of awe with Oblivion and Skyrim, however, when i look at it unbiased i think Skyrim is taking the cake. Ever since Morrowind i played each Elder Scrolls game as a Nord named Ragnar. Now in Skyrim, with dragons, cool quests, great visuals and sounds and a main quest wich i personally think is fantastic. Skyrim gets my vote. Thank you developers, for making TES in the first place :)
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:13 pm

Can't decide between Morrowind and Skyrim. They both got their Pros and Cons.
On the one side, Morrowind is a bit more complex, which is good, on the other side, Skyrim is more comfortable and has the more appealing setting (Vvardenfell is cool, but Skyrim is more interesting. Of course this is a very subjective view)
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meghan lock
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:44 am

Morrowind will always be the [censored]... the story is amazing and it's just immense
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:17 pm

I vote for Oblivion for the simple reason that the Skyrim UI is a complete joke compared to Oblivion's.

That and the fact that you can't use healing magic without being armed. Big trip-up ther Bethesda.

I'm about 40 hours into Skyrim & bored already
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:55 am

Most of the voters are from the "wider audience". The "wider audience" wouldn't enjoy the first three games, so Skyrim and Oblivion would win by default.

Really? Because Morrowind is kicking Oblivion's ass in the vote.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:47 pm

Really? Because Morrowind is kicking Oblivion's ass in the vote.

That's because even people from the "wider audience" can realize how [censored] Oblivion was.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:34 pm

Arean: Had potential.
Daggerfall: Potential realized.
Morrowind: Great game.
Oblivion: Mistake.
Skyrim: Schizophrenic--it has things I love and things I hate. I'm hoping mods will be able to fix most of the problems.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:04 pm

Arean: Had potential.
Daggerfall: Potential realized.
Morrowind: Great game.
Oblivion: Mistake.
Skyrim: Schizophrenic--it has things I love and things I hate. I'm hoping mods will be able to fix most of the problems.

I agree whole heatedly with your assessment of Morrowind through Skyrim.
ie: see my signature.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:47 pm

Skyrim is easily the best Elder Scrolls game ever made. Destroys the competition.
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Claire Vaux
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