It has to be Skyrim.
Though I never played most of TES games. I started with Oblivion and I loved it. Then I tried to get into Morrowind twice because everyone kept complaining that it was better than Oblivion. I think I explored a cave, killed a goblin and explored a town. That was it, I could never get into it.
I agree.
I've tried to play morrowind without mods to begin with, sorry but I can't handle it, and the graphics killed my joy ALOT.. Maybe I'm just a graphic maniac. But when I tried with mods, it became alot better graphic wise but I couldn't get into it. (Only tried it a few hours)
Oblivion had it ups and downs, but as it was my first real rpg game (I'm 21 only) and it brings back lots of memories.. mostly good ones. I do believe starting a short game in oblivion is possible, but morrowind not really, should have played it back at 2002/2003 when it first was out, since I am unable to really get started with it.
Ye I've had games with graphics that of arena and daggerfall and still play those, but I can't get myself to try either daggerfall or arena because of graphics.
Skyrim, some bugs and glitches but I'm able to forget about those as I've allready enjoyed around 80 hours of play time without really thinking so much about it.
So I went for Skyrim since I'm still waiting to get done with my exam stuff so I can get home to play again! =D