Thank you. Morrowind had the same thing. It seems that a lot of people are just determined to find reasons to like Morrowind better than Skyrim, regardless of whether its better or not. And the dude who said that Morrowind had more content that Skyrim makes me want to laugh. Skyrim has ten times more quests and content than Morrowind did, and that doesn't even include the random events.
Believe me, I had a ball playing Morrowind, but I"m not so blind to use such over-exaggerated words when describing it like, "Masterpiece" or "perfection". Give me a break. Its called nostalgia. Learn the meaning of the word. When Morrowind came out, there were JUST AS MANY COMPLAINTS about the game's design decisions as there were for Oblivion and Skyrim. I was there. Its always that way.
Ten times as much content ?
The College of Winterhold has 17 quests including the 5 quests related to the 5 schools of magic (so for the entire 17 quests you need 90+ skill in every single magical skill) the Mages Guild of Morrowind has 33 quests.
The Companions has 12 quests, the Figthers Guild of Morrowind has 32 quests.
The Thieves guild of Skyrim has 19 quests, the Thieves Guild of Morrowind has 30 quests.
The Imperial Legion of Skyrim has 12 quest, the Imperial Legion of Morrowind has 19 quests.
Then Morrowind has 6 other factions to join that are not in Skyrim while Skyrim has 3 other factions that are not in Morrowind. However even when I look at the other factions by comparison Morrowind has more quests on average than Skyrim.
You're not basing your opinions on facts as much as you are basing them on passion for the newest installment in the series I'm afraid.
Edit: Yes there are the radiant quests that fill up a lot of quests for Skyrim but those are most all just dungeon crawls with very little story or purpose behind them.