So now that we experienced Skyrim what's your favorite Elder

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:58 am

Poll is kind of pointless, since 4 out of 7 games listed were never on the consoles, and it seems like the majority of the people haven't even heard of The Elder Scrolls till it released on the Xbox.

I have actually played all of them since Arena released, I would rate them in this order

2- Arena
5- Battlespire
6- Oblivion
7- Redgaurd
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:45 am

Skyrim is my favorite, because I think it's the best polished. This is Bethesda working on what like.. 17 years of TES experience, and slowly fine-tuning the experience. However no Elder Scrolls game yet has come close to the time I put into Daggerfall. I played Daggerfall for years, literally. I mean, I actually got tired of Oblivion in like a year, Morrowind I played for some time and even got involved making mods for.. but Daggerfall was like a solid 3 year period of my life 10 years ago.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:29 pm

3-9 at each location, 5 main locations + general quests
40+members this is missing a few
8 total main quests
17 members including the augur, one ex member is in winterhold

Comparing the mage questlines in each game doesn't speak to the total content. If you compare the official strategy guides of both games: Morrowind's GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION is only 416 pages, and Skyrim's (no DLC Content yet) is 656. I have both of them. It's simple. There is more in Skyrim than there is in Morrowind.
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john palmer
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:37 am

You may have read it that way but when reading a book or reading text in a game, you aren't supposed to read it in dictionary blandness. Just because it is text doesn't mean people have no character. Try talking to the dremora lord in the shrine quest (the one you have to attack, attacks you) again and just because there is only one option (taunt the daedra) doesn't mean you cant imagine your insults. Also you cannot tell me the dremora didn't have character.

In an ideal world all the text in morrowind would be voiced. But it wasn't. You should still be able to compare the content of what is read vs the content of what is voiced and compare them without comparing mediums.

I never said there was anything wrong with it, just that voiced dialogue makes the character more unique.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:52 pm

Then please tell me what is Skyrim's equivalent of the Sermons of Vivec?
The mysteries and riddles in there foretold Oblivion and Skyrim, among other things.,_Sermon_29

He's just saying he did to prove his point.
We all know he didn't, don't worry.
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:13 pm

I voted SKYRIM with DAGGERFALL almost neck to neck with it. SKYRIM not only feels like a true sequel to DAGGERFALL but to all the previous chapter that is how all encompassing it feels. It has the gritty dark advlt feel of DAGGERFALL aswell as the scary full of intrigue politics which am really loving. The tension and fear i feel in certain cities with the npcs is very palapable making me want to do something to right such injustice. The loot system is very rewarding and satisfies me the same complete way FALLOUT 3 and DAGGERFALL do.

SKYRIM the next chapter in The Elder Scrolls. Verily :trophy: :trophy: :trophy:
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:26 am

Comparing the mage questlines in each game doesn't speak to the total content. If you compare the official strategy guides of both games: Morrowind's GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION is only 416 pages, and Skyrim's (no DLC Content yet) is 656. I have both of them. It's simple. There is more in Skyrim than there is in Morrowind.

I agree with you. I am making a complaint about the factions, sorry if I was unclear. Looking at fighters guild/ companions shows similar results, and while the thieves guild in skyrim has a rather large amount of generated quests, the main quest of it is less about thieving and more about being a thug.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:44 pm

Thank you. Morrowind had the same thing. It seems that a lot of people are just determined to find reasons to like Morrowind better than Skyrim, regardless of whether its better or not. And the dude who said that Morrowind had more content that Skyrim makes me want to laugh. Skyrim has ten times more quests and content than Morrowind did, and that doesn't even include the random events.

Believe me, I had a ball playing Morrowind, but I"m not so blind to use such over-exaggerated words when describing it like, "Masterpiece" or "perfection". Give me a break. Its called nostalgia. Learn the meaning of the word. When Morrowind came out, there were JUST AS MANY COMPLAINTS about the game's design decisions as there were for Oblivion and Skyrim. I was there. Its always that way.

Ten times as much content ?

The College of Winterhold has 17 quests including the 5 quests related to the 5 schools of magic (so for the entire 17 quests you need 90+ skill in every single magical skill) the Mages Guild of Morrowind has 33 quests.

The Companions has 12 quests, the Figthers Guild of Morrowind has 32 quests.

The Thieves guild of Skyrim has 19 quests, the Thieves Guild of Morrowind has 30 quests.

The Imperial Legion of Skyrim has 12 quest, the Imperial Legion of Morrowind has 19 quests.

Then Morrowind has 6 other factions to join that are not in Skyrim while Skyrim has 3 other factions that are not in Morrowind. However even when I look at the other factions by comparison Morrowind has more quests on average than Skyrim.

You're not basing your opinions on facts as much as you are basing them on passion for the newest installment in the series I'm afraid.

Edit: Yes there are the radiant quests that fill up a lot of quests for Skyrim but those are most all just dungeon crawls with very little story or purpose behind them.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:16 am

I've played hundreds of hours of Morrowind and Oblivion, just a few hours of Daggerfall, but my favorite has to be Skyrim. Granted, it has it's faults, along with some terribly wasted opportunities quest-wise (civil war quests could have been a lot more diverse, along with the Companions) but I'm very happy with it and think it's the best of the bunch.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:27 pm

I never said there was anything wrong with it, just that voiced dialogue makes the character more unique.

But that is the very point I am disagreeing with. How does hearing it make it more unique to you?
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:45 pm

There is a good argument for any Elder Scrolls game being your favorite, since they each standalone, and have their own triumphs and failures.

I've been in the Morrowind camp since the first time I played it back when it first came out on Xbox. I still played it regularly until Skyrim came out. After spending probably 200+ hours with the game across all characters, I'm going to have to say Skyrim has graciously taken the throne from its ancestor as my favorite Elder Scrolls game, and in turn, my favorite game of all time.

The only thing I really miss from previous games are a few spells they removed, such as nighteye, open lock, and the various daedra summons.

It pretty much nailed the mental checklist I had for the next Elder Scrolls game:

  • Tone down the level scaling greatly. (Check)
  • Get rid of the current counterintuitive leveling system. (Check)
  • Make bookshelves usable for console players without frustration. (Check. Never thought would happen)
  • Make daedric armor rare again. (Check)
  • Bring back some of the daedric summons from previous games, such as the Winged Twilight. (Uncheck. They greatly reduced summonable daedra)
  • Expand upon the perk system Oblivion had. (Check)
  • Don't make all the daedric quests start at a shrine again. Mix it up this time. (Check)
  • Let me kill someone and take their house like Morrowind. (Uncheck)
  • Bring back more artifacts, specifically three of my favorites that I won't mention so as not to spoil it. (Check)
  • Bring back fast travel points alongside Oblivion's fast travel system. (Check)
  • Make daggers and stealth kills viable. ( Check. Check. CHECK!) :D )

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brian adkins
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:42 pm

Then please tell me what is Skyrim's equivalent of the Sermons of Vivec?
The mysteries and riddles in there foretold Oblivion and Skyrim, among other things.,_Sermon_29

Why does there need to be anything like that in Skyrim? If you are talking about the 36 lessons of Vivec, yes, they were very interesting, but they were unique to the world and aesthetic of Morrowind. The history of the Thalmor and the Dragonborne, as well as many other things replace that now, because those things are relevant to whats going on in the current age. Besides, you are only talking about lore. The lore of Morrowind is simply built into the rest of the series as it continues.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:44 pm

When I actually get the urge to play Morrowind after playing Skyrim I think I know which one I prefer...

WHy I prefer Morrowind over Skyrim:

More dialogue options.
More quests.
More character custiomizations.
More item and spells
Spell creation.
Better level scaling.
Longer questlines.
Not every quest involves a dungeon fileld with too many enemies inside...
Deep lore adn history.
No forcing me to fight tiresome enemies such as dragons...

I love Skyrim as well but not as a TES game. Its a good fantasy combat simulator and not a good TES rpg.
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Benito Martinez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:00 pm

Why does there need to be anything like that in Skyrim? If you are talking about the 36 lessons of Vivec, yes, they were very interesting, but they were unique to the world and aesthetic of Morrowind. The history of the Thalmor and the Dragonborne, as well as many other things replace that now, because those things are relevant to whats going on in the current age. Besides, you are only talking about lore. The lore of Morrowind is simply built into the rest of the series as it continues.

Well I personally was dissapointed in the library at the College of Winterhold. They mentioned a large amount of dunmer in the past, you would think they would have more records and copies of books from morrowind. Not to mention more history of skyrim and such.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:52 am


Skyrim now is fast action hack'n' slash, with [censored] controls made for consoles, and its players who are too stupid to be able to use keyboard + mouse. Their mental illness is only allowing them to use controllers with couple keys. Bethesda got rid of many things, made others easier. Changed the most important things like lvling for example. I know that nowadays everything must be easy (lots of noobs everywhere), and that the only thing that matter is the amount of games sold, not the quality of the product, but such behavior wont make game makers & publishers being more liked or respected. I have to say its not Elder Scrolls anymore.

I personally own just The Morrowind + Bloodmon + Tribunal. Im not going to get Oblivion. Dont like it either, and will never pay for console crap known as Skyrim. There will be mods, but its not how it should be done. Im playing on PC, and I want the damn game to support the PC! I dont want console version.

PC should get PC interface from Morrowind/Oblivion, and console, the crap that is there now.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:50 pm


Skyrim now is fast action hack'n' slash, with [censored] controls made for consoles, and its players who are too stupid to be able to use keyboard + mouse. Their mental illness is only allowing them to use controllers with couple keys. They got rid of many things, made others easier. Changed the most important things. I have to say its not Elder Scrolls anymore.

I personally own just The Morrowind + Bloodmon + Skyrim. Im not going to get Oblivion. Dont like it either, and will never pay for console crap known as Skyrim. There will be mods, but its not how it should be done. Im playing on PC, and I want the damn game to support the PC! I dont want console version.

PC should get PC interface from Morrowind/Oblivion, and console, the crap that is there now.

Most elitist post I've seen all day.

But that is the very point I am disagreeing with. How does hearing it make it more unique to you?

Idk... it presents the character in front of me, makes him/her seem more real. More "unique". Whenever I start to really like a conversation in Morrowind I suddenly get pulled back to reality by the jarring effect of the text. Don't know why, as I can read books without this problem.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:23 pm

1. Skyrim: My favourite TES and possibly favourite game next to GTA IV and KOTORs. It's just incredible.
2. Oblivion: My first TES. Love it, except NPCs were boring, world was boring, Oblivion gates were boring, creatures were boring, cities were boring and items were boring. But I love it anyway...
3. Morrowind: I started my TES adventure with Oblivion and Morrowind wasn't so cool for me... I don't know why. I guess it's too rusty for me. But loved the atmosphere and it was climatic indeed.

Out of charts:
Arena: Played for about 10 minutes few months ago. Horrible game for civilized times.
Daggerfall: Haven't played and I don't even.
Adventures: Redguard: Haven't played.
Legend: Battlespire: Never played.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:21 pm

Ten times as much content ?

The College of Winterhold has 17 quests including the 5 quests related to the 5 schools of magic (so for the entire 17 quests you need 90+ skill in every single magical skill) the Mages Guild of Morrowind has 33 quests.

The Companions has 12 quests, the Figthers Guild of Morrowind has 32 quests.

The Thieves guild of Skyrim has 19 quests, the Thieves Guild of Morrowind has 30 quests.

The Imperial Legion of Skyrim has 12 quest, the Imperial Legion of Morrowind has 19 quests.

Then Morrowind has 6 other factions to join that are not in Skyrim while Skyrim has 3 other factions that are not in Morrowind. However even when I look at the other factions by comparison Morrowind has more quests on average than Skyrim.

You're not basing your opinions on facts as much as you are basing them on passion for the newest installment in the series I'm afraid.

Edit: Yes there are the radiant quests that fill up a lot of quests for Skyrim but those are most all just dungeon crawls with very little story or purpose behind them.

I'm not talking about numbers. I"m talking about content. If you give me the choice between a game that has 5 quests that are essentially fetch quests, and 2 that have much more lore and rich interactions, I will go with the latter.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:01 pm


Please stick to discussion with reasoning and keep away from bashing and insults.
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Wayne W
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:52 am

Man all this Morrwind talk is really making me reminisce haha. Kinda thinking about putting it back in.. with some tasteful mods that game looks pretty good really. Damn the temptation!
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:09 pm

I'm not talking about numbers. I"m talking about content. If you give me the choice between a game that has 5 quests that are essentially fetch quests, and 2 that have much more lore and rich interactions, I will go with the latter.

So you go with Morrowind then?
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:49 pm

I wonder who the other Arena loyal fan is?

I mean it - I love Daggerfall and Oblivion, but with all its graph issues and linearity, I always felt Arena was more rewarding as an adventure.

The dungeons are scarry, the feeling of finding that unique artifact in unique chests, the specific quest areas. There is always a challenge, specially if you're not spellcaster (where a Battlemage is the power build).

Plus, there is actual difference in races and skills...
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:48 am

Well I personally was dissapointed in the library at the College of Winterhold. They mentioned a large amount of dunmer in the past, you would think they would have more records and copies of books from morrowind. Not to mention more history of skyrim and such.

Yeah, I noticed that too. What I'm realizing is that while Skyrim does have tons of lore books, it doesn't seem to have as many actual libraries, in the sense that Morrowind and Oblivion had. If you wanted to do some serious studying in the past games, you could stop by a bookstore or library and tons of lore could be picked up there. Its not that easy in Skyrim, as most of the books are scattered everywhere. I wouldn't focus too much on Winterhold for all of your information.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:09 pm


Skyrim is a very fun game to play, and I enjoy it. However, it's simply too streamlined and cut down for it to compete. Basically, it's to the point where if I want to play the many-choices RPG, I'll grab Morrowind; if I want to play a more simple, fun action game, I'll grab Skyrim.

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Poetic Vice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

It's pretty much a tie between Morrowind and Skyrim for me.
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