Now that you've seen the forced 3rd person finishers, do you

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:32 am

I hate using swords/daggers in first person, so every time I get a first person finisher, it pisses me off.
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:14 am

Yeah people keep mentioning first-person finishers as if they don't exist... they do and they're very unsatisfying and actually feel more disjointed than if the game had just switched to third-person. If anythings to be removed or toggled off it surely needs to be those.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:58 am

Didn't like them from the start, tried them out, and the result was predictable.

Yup, I want them gone. They add nothing to the experience since they (and this goes for the 1st person finishers too) are completely random, though often occur at the kill blow for the final enemy. You have no control over when they happen, they just happen. It's sort of an undocumented rule that the player be given the final decision of whether or not to play the finisher animations. Take Gears of War, for instance, there are all sorts of finishing blows (executions) you can deal, but you have to tell the game you want to do them first through a button prompt. You have the choice of just ending things quickly with a few final bullets or a basic punch.

You can't do that in Skyrim, the finishers happen automatically and without prompting the player that they are going to occur. I have more than once found myself continuing with the traditional TES button-spam for attack when the battle is ending, only to have none of them actually do anything because the game triggered a finisher. Taking control away from the player outside of a cutscene without clearly notifying him is bad design. Finishers do not give any clear indication of when they will happen, and even then only get triggered about half the time. So not only are we getting control of the game wrested away from us without our consent, it happens at random. At least Deadly Reflex in Oblivion had the courtesy of going into bullet-time for a moment before tugging you into third-person; that told the player that a finisher was about to be performed. Skyrim gives no indication whatsoever, it just does it, and the result is very jarring. This is supposed to be a carry-over from Fallout 3's VATS system, but the major difference between here and there is that VATS required the player to actually trigger the cinematics themselves. That is why VATS worked, and consequently why Skyrim's finishers do not.

In the end, though, all the finishers really are are Bethesda trying to hide how little the melee combat in this game has actually changed by flashing pretty lights in our face every once in a while. the hope is that we would be impressed enough by the finishers to ignore the fact that practically none of the melee combat mechanics were even touched between Oblivion and Skyrim. Oblivion made the same mistake with its environments, Bethesda was banking on everyone being so impressed at their ultra-realistic procedurally generated scenery and not noticing just how bland and repetitive it was. It didn't work, and after Oblivion, they went straight back to hand-crafted environments. They tried to needlessly dress up the combat with a worthless mechanic that adds nothing to the experience.

However, I am willing to give them another chance... if Bethesda puts the finishers back where they belong: in the hands of the player.

Also, if there are going to be finishers continuing in TES, they REALLY need to be animated better.

(Note I am only talking about the player-specific finishers here. AI finishers can stay as they are.)




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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:04 am

Yup, I want them gone. They add nothing to the experience since they (and this goes for the 1st person finishers too) are completely random, though often occur at the kill blow for the final enemy. You have no control over when they happen, they just happen. It's sort of an undocumented rule that the player be given the final decision of whether or not to play the finisher animations. Take Gears of War, for instance, there are all sorts of finishing blows (executions) you can deal, but you have to tell the game you want to do them first through a button prompt. You have the choice of just ending things quickly with a few final bullets or a basic punch.

Your post is very well written but this is the part I most agree with

A button prompt would be best. Hell they could have fleshed the whole thing out better and made finishers like dragonshouts whereby you map a finisher to a button that you can execute when you want to. They could have made it so you choose exactly what finisher you perform and when you perform it.

Different weapons have different kill animations so how difficult would it have been to list them in your inventory? Also doing it this way thay could have fleshed out the game more by for those that really like them giving them the opportunity to learn different moves from around Skyrim from different people.

And whilst they were at it they should have fleshed out the kill animations to have included magic finishers. How difficult would it have been for them to make it so that an ice spell would shatter the enemy, or to throw a spike of ice through the enemy etc

I like the idea of finishers I just think they tacked them on in the same way as marriage and werewolves. All of these things could be better than what they are, as it is they are just there to give the illusion of depth but in reality it is quite shallow.

Bethesda please learn from this and next time put some extra thought behind it, please I love this game. It is just annoying knowing how much better it could have been :tes:
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:09 pm

No, I want them fixed so that the player must be within an angle of 20 degrees relative to the direction of the cinematic death for it to be allowed. So you avoid the sweet spot or risk mutilation.
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:55 pm

I dont want them. Dont want them to be replaced by anything. Get that crap out of the game completely. Its stupid, that just created noob can take out fully equipped enemy in couple hits! In Morrowind, or Oblivion it was impossible.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:02 am

No, I like them, even better with the decapitation perks...

I think they're a positive touch in my opinion...
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:41 am

I love them! And the variety of moves still makes them seem rare IMO. There's even a few I've only seen once or twice, a decapitation move while the enemy is crawling away is my favorite so far, first person decapitations are awesome to.

For those trying to see them more often, I find that attacking while the enemy is staggered, or interrupting their attack seems to be when it triggers more often.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:38 am

Your post is very well written but this is the part I most agree with

A button prompt would be best. Hell they could have fleshed the whole thing out better and made finishers like dragonshouts whereby you map a finisher to a button that you can execute when you want to. They could have made it so you choose exactly what finisher you perform and when you perform it.


Oddly enough, I'd much rather have them like they are now, instead of either 1. Quick Time Event-style "Press X Now!" flashing on the screen, or 2. Fighting-game style "Forward power attack + X + Z" supercombofatality moves.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:42 am

I like them but wish there was a way to manually trigger them.
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Ann Church
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:22 am

What I don't like about them is the "huh, what the.... ah, oh ok .. finishing move" feeling I still have.
For about half a second I often have the feeling, I died, or that something with the game was wrong.
The only 3rd person move, where I don't feel that way is the one, when I sneak to an opponent to kill him with a dagger ... because then it's expected.

So this is a bit annoying.
Still I somehow like the "haha, yeah .. in your face bi*ch" feeling I get, when I see how my character brutally gives an enemy the rest. It's somehow satisfactory to watch it on an enemy, who was really annoying you.

So I'm not sure, if I want them completely out. But maybe there can something be done with them to not be so surprising to the player.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:30 pm

I quite dislike them, it really takes me out of the situation to suddenly see some akwardly placed animation of my character whilst the character dramatically spins around the whole thing. I much prefer the first person ones.

It also pisses me off that because enemies with 2handers sometimes trigger their own killing move on you, you have no way to block the attack because the whole animation triggers as they begin the attack >.<
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:34 am

Poll is glitched for me, for some reason.

Anyhow, I'm not tired of them. Then again, I'm playing as a conjurer. Forty hours in and I think I've seen precisely two finishers. But I just got the perk that traps souls with bound weapons, so I expect I'll be seeing a lot more of them as I begin closing in to finish off enemies.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:11 am

They should stay, it just should be far less of them.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:00 am

They didn't bother me nearly as much as I predicted. I'm perfectly fine with them.
And besides, when playing as a mage, you don't see many finishing moves anyways!
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:57 pm

Hate them. They are pretty damned awkward most of the time. Ill be looking for the Finish the Finishers mod.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:33 pm

When I first saw the Trailer, I didn't like the third person dragon-killing animation with Dovahkiin flying up into the air so high. I've seen a dragon finishing scene now in the game and I think they adjusted that perfectly. I've been ok with the animations. I can't think of any that have bothered me. Killing animations aren't my favorite thing but I think they found a good balance. I can always look away.

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:00 am

I quite like them. I guess it would make more sense if you always got 1st person finishes when it first, and 3rd for when you're in 3rd, but I can't say I'd really noticed! I'm usually just relieved that the fight is over and I'm the one still living!

Pretty much. Playing on higher difficulties, often when the camera forces me into third person I'm either horrified or relieved, because that tough enemy will either be finishing me or I him. Adds a bit of suspense to the game.
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An Lor
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:36 am

I enjoy them, espcially the more epic ones like for a dragon, tho I agree with some and would love a toggle option.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:30 pm

I think they're nice, loved the slomo kills in fallout 3 and definitely like them in Skyrim. but yeah, I suppose the toggle on/off option would be best for everyone
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:46 am

I love them the decapitations and unarmed face throws are pretty sweet. I agree they need some touching up tho make them a bit more fluid. Its a shame they didn't go all out with Hand to hand i would have loved to seen some neck breaking,kicks to the face,ripping out dragon eyes,shoulder dislocating, and of coarse H2H combos.
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