» Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:37 am
im really sick of them... im sick of seeing the same finisher every other fight, im sick of the crappy camera clipping into my shoulder instead of even showing me the finisher, im sick of slapping every other damn enemy with my claws for 30 seconds as a were-wolf and im sick of everyone insta-killing me with finishers when they could not possibly have done enough damage to kill me with a normal or power attack. the first person ones look really choppy and unfinished, and the third person ones seem to imply i have steroid strength and can just hold a fully armored orc up in the air impaled on a 20lb greatsword no problem. by far the most satisfying kills for me are bashing dwemer robots apart with normal attacks and slicing someone across the face with a sideways power attack... and im a dirty-stinkin' console player, so i cant remove them with mods.
it was great in fallout because VATS was cinematic for every attack, so finishers werent so jarring, but theyre so haphazardly thrown into skyrim, i just want them gone.