So I figure, I play a girl this time. Perk of course to kill MEN, stubbed myself a little by luck and cha at 2 and wanted to be a sniper with stealth.
Well, at lvl 3 I found a dead wastelander with a frigging deathclaw hand in his pants!? Or maybe next to him..Now what should I do?
Should I stay with my original plan or spend 50 hrs of joyous mayhem, it is fun to kill stuff and feeling strong. I already built up small weapons a fair bit , but this find makes me almost wanting to cry...

So far, lvl 4 now with Cassidy to watch my pretty behind I don't feel I need another deathclaw play, small guns at 60 and sneak is slowly getting there.
I guess I answered myself, but do you see the temptation?
BTW, this is my first run on very hard, so the temptation is very real.